Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Giving back to Nature

Almost ready to venture toward the sunshine. We dodged a bullet for the latest "Storm of the decade".  We got a few inches. Schools were closed and we had wet roads and 30+ degree temps.  Yesterday, the morning was a whiteout and cars were of the roads everywhere and there was school. ( a pretty tough call for school officials, especially in upstate NY).  A friend from CA. calls this "Gore-bull" it!  Anyway, we're turning EIEIO back over to it's rightful inhabitants for a few weeks.  We're filling the feeders and hoping they'll all enjoy themselves while the folks are on vacation. Today being Groundhog Day, Lee's hoping that Phil predicted correctly and winter's on the downside.  He's also hoping that all of Phil's local relatives are busy doing whatever it is that groundhogs(or woodchucks as we know them) do underground all winter..and I don't think he's hoping they're asleep.  The more little critters that emerge from their tunnel towns, the happier my gun-toting hubby will be this spring.  It's a bit creepy how elated he is when he's just killed something.

I'll be checking in soon from a warmer climate..

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