Monday, February 14, 2011

I LOVE today!!

I love holidays..especially this one.  32 years ago this morning, we brought Jeffrey home.  It's pretty corny but my heart was full that morning.  When we arrived at our destination, there he sat all nestled in a little red heart that was embroidered with "Be Mine".  Done!  We were his and vice versa from that second on. Now, 32 years later... little has changed....OK well maybe a lot has changed. A few tatoos, a couple piercings, several mended bones and lacerations but the joy, pride and love are still there..., even greater if that's possibe!  It hasn't all been an easy ride for Jeff but he's weathered even the toughest storms and is stronger and wiser and even more handsome each day.(.Back off..I can brag all I want...I'm his Mother!!!)

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