Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Heroes come in all sizes, shapes and colors.  They can be real, imaginative, ancestral or current. Websters defines a hero as: a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal.  I like the "in the opinion of others" part.  I try very hard to find the good in everyone (my husband will try to convince you otherwise).  In some, I have to looker harder than others. I think there's a little bit of hero in all of us. Anyone who has overcome adversity, "in my opinion" is a hero.  In today's dwindling economy, adversity is everywhere. Those with catastrophic illnesses are top on my list of heroes. I'll share a few of my heroes with you!

My Dad- number one on my hero list as all Dad's SHOULD be. He taught me to love to read, to write and to be as philanthropic as I was able. He taught me that what you believe in is your choice as long as you have damn good reasons attached. He taught me unconditional parental love even though he was in his 80's when I first remember him actually saying the words. He also taught me something very shouldn't be taken for granted.. it's earned. (meaning you don't love someone just because you're expected to)... and he taught me that right or wrong, you're judged by the company you keep!

Bryona Wiler(sp)... Bryona is a local girl and the relative of dear friends.  She is suffering from a debilitating lung disease which compromises her breathing...She spends much of her time hospitalized and always has that huge, beautiful smile.  The outcome of this disease will only be positive when she receives a lung transplant...... and I complain when I have a cold!

My daughter Jess.....Growing up Jess and I battled often. She struggled in school where I was a good student.  I would generally find her slacking and grades plummeting until I realized she was actually stifled and doing the very best she could.  As time went on, she got the help she needed and graduated.  She seemed to be searching for her niche whether it be cooking or computers.  Then her daughter came along.
Voila.... motherhood,,,,, she'd found her niche.... She is, by far, one of the best Moms I know...and I know a lot.  From day one, Bailee has received the best care, the best discipline, the most nurturing and compassion and 4 years full of love and fun.  I often attribute these skills to the fact that Bailee is Jess's first blood relative in her life......Adoption is amazing but there is always that element of wonder...especially for girls.....

My husband.... how freaking corny is that...  If you lived w/ me, you'd know he was a hero! Enough said!

My list could go on and on but I won't bore you with my inadequacies that make nearly everyone I know a hero in one way or another.  I try really hard each day to see that hero in everybody... Some make me try a little harder than others........:-)

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