Monday, January 24, 2011


I am surrounded by whiners. They whine when it's cold, they whine when it's hot, they whine when it rains, they whine it snows, they whine at gas prices, they whine at food prices, they whine about white people, they whine about black people, they whine about sports and they whine about taxes.....they even whine when they have to listen to other people whine...WTH.  Give it up people.  If you don't like the weather......move. I guarantee there will something you won't like about weather there too.  It wastes a whole lot of energy to complain about things you have no control over. Now, if you could delete calories by whining, we'd be in pretty good shape around here...literally!  So let's take this week alone and turn our jeers into cheers. Wow, what a gorgeous morning it is. I'd dare say we all woke up in nice, cozy, warm beds, had hot showers, the availability of good breakfasts and hot coffee, warm clothes to wear to our cars, dry roads to commute and good health to accompany it all. So, quit your bitchin' and count your blessings. I'm really pretty sick of hearing it!

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