Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For better or worse

Well, Bailee is better but Jess's little daycare guy, Hunter is worse.   He must have caught Bailee's conglomeration of dribblings and spewings...Get the mucinex and delsym into him and hopefully he'll be better fast.  The joys of school and daycare and -1 one day and 35 the next.  I think all doctor and medicine bills should be sent directly to Al Gore......Global Warming .
With the "day off" for Jess, I think the girls need a trip to WalMart, where there won't be anyone sneezing coughing or puking, yeah right.  We need this week's triple S releases: Secretariat, Social Network and Saw 4. The last of which will not ever be viewed by me.  If I want to be frightened, I'll look in the mirror.  A stop at Burger King or A & W will top off our afternoon.  Catch you later!

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