Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh Crap

Looks like there will  have to be a change in plans. Check this out: Security can maybe remain solvent until 2037... I'm not sure whether I'm unhappy that I didn't work and contribute MORE or I'm tickled shitless that my measly penance wasn't added as I won't be getting it back anyway.  It appears I should be sowing my wild oats now ...just when I really feel like I should be put out to pasture.  Pasture isn't really such a bad thing.  As long as the grass is plentiful, there's a fence so I don't get lost and I'm free to poop anywhere at actually sounds quite pleasant.  I may have to be transported to a warmer climate in the inclement months but they have rigs for that. As long as one day they don't load me in and say we're "Going to the show",,,,,,,,, I'll be fine.

The Show Story:  When Jess was little.. maybe a bit older than Bailee, she would patiently wait each Monday morning at the shop for Mr. Young (Kenny) to pull in with his truck and trailer and invite her to go along w/ him to"The Show."  She loved the ride and watching as the animals were unloaded.. Thankfully they never stayed for the festivities........................since the Show took place at the slaughter house!!!!

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