Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let it snow.....

Global warming?  Come on Al..where exactly would that be on the globe?  Arkansas....8 inches, Charlotte....6 inches, Myrtle Beach...snow and ice, Rock Hill....6 inches, Atlanta....8 inches, Orlando...frozen fruit.......Moravia.....normal.  I'm sure there's much I don't understand about global warming and if I did I might understand that all of the tidal waves, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and snow storms the world has been afflicted with of late were a direct result of it.  Maybe that's a great case of TMI.  Once again, the crazy weather is just an added reason why I like home sweet home.  I will, however, for the sake of my husband's sanity, venture in Jerome to the cold, snowy, tundra of the south.  As of late, south is merely a direction on the compass, a chance to fertilize our fruit trees (if they're even living), a rendezvous with kooky friends and relatives who use deer meat as a party excuse, a chance to see Heather's new (old) house and an opportunity for Lee to spend a week golfing w/ Jeff....... for me, it's a time to add more wrinkles to this already sagging skin, catch up on a few books, plan a new project...or two and count the days until I'm back...north.  I know there are those of you who think I'm a spoiled brat and would love to have the opportunity to spend any time in the south. To all of you, there's room in Jerome.....and you're all welcome to squat in our concrete condo any time you'd like..."mi casa o su casa"....Right Dora?...OMG, maybe I do need a bit of vacation!

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