Monday, January 17, 2011

J-E-T-S !!!!

How sad that a nearly 60 year old woman, no less, could get so excited over a football game. I was on my feet, in my chair, dancing around, sitting still.....such mixed emotions.  I am a bit superstitious, so in the last 5 minutes, I had made the decision that the entire game was on my shoulders... If I were to move from the position I was in.....something bad would happen.  So I didn't get up to pee, I didn't uncross my legs, I didn't take a drink or even shift slightly in my chair.  I did, however, cross my fingers on both hands as I clapped      ( not all that easy) and sang, in my outside voice...."J-E-T-S- Jets, Jets, Jets".  Sometimes it's a good thing if your spouse is deaf! Although he had been nestled warmly and quietly in his bed for 90 minutes prior to my vociferous outbursts. ( I love that word..vociferous... That's how the Albany newspaper described my great grandfather, the Senator, upon his demise).  Sometimes being an apple close to the tree isn't a bad thing!!  After all, New York is the Big Apple! (shut your pie-hole on the New Jersey thing)   Well, long story worked.  Solely because of my stoic stillness... the Jets will be moving on to crush yet another famed, unbeatable quarterback.... Manning....check, Brady....check.....Roethlisberger...on the radar.
I just might have to get "Tiny" out of storage. I'm not sure how well he'll fare in this -13 weather but he's strong and if anchored , he'll be able to weather the storm. I'm sad thinking there's only 3 week-ends left of football but we'll make the most of them.  We're staying in the north to take in the Super Bowl in 73 inch fashion... then head out the next morning to the sunny, yeah right, south.  Hopefully, I can get one of those tacky little Jets flags and fly it proudly as we weave our way down the highways toward a couple weeks of R & R.

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