Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Starting form scratch!!!

I'm a little disappointed to be starting my ramblings over again from scratch.  Losing nearly four years of rantings and ravings, pictures and prose and  opinions and outrageous nonsense is sad...but they were only words and as you all know, I'm full of them.  I'll start a new journey as Bailee is... She so enjoyed her week at VBS (vacation Bible school).  I gave her a "surprise" after her final day, the neatest children's Bible.  Each chapter, one or two pages, follows the Bible and God's word just as a "Little Golden Book" might.  (well actually the Bible IS a Little Golden Book isn't it?)... anyway, she has learned about the Creation of the Universe, day and night, the sun and the moon and the trees and the plants.  One day she may study the evolution theory but the basics are here for her now.  She has learned a little about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Thankfully, she continues to want to wear clothes and hasn't asked yet why she can't just wear leaves.   Those questions will follow too, someday.  She did learn her first Sunday School song and performed spectacularly at the closing ceremonies of VBS on their final Sunday.  Her mother cried! as I would have.  I would love to attach B. singing Jesus Loves Me but as I've recently demonstrated, I'm technically challenged. I'll ask for help and see if we can get her on "display" soon....
This morning I'm off on another adventure..... A Dr's appt. w/ Mom....  By the time I return, I too, may be singing, Yes, Jesus Loves Me......or at least Praise the Lord...and pass the ammunition!

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