Monday, August 16, 2010

8 decades....

We had a fun day yesterday. Lots of friends and family gathered at the Odd Fellows Hall (I think there's a "not so" subtle" message in that venue).  We celebrated Grandpa's 80th birthday.  A Hatfield, dish to pass, affair always makes a tummy happy, especially near harvest time! Guests travelled from New Hamsphire to Florida to drink a few beers, tell a few stories and congratulate Wendell on surviving 4 wives, 6 kids, 12 grandkids, 8 great-grands and an assortment of illustrious and "savory" relatives and friends. All through these 80 years, he's kept on smilin' and dancin' and tellin' it like it is....hmmm... maybe that's the secret!

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