Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I actually thought the first time home buyers tax credit was just part of a huge numbers game that Uncle Sam had suckered the buying public into believing.  I was wrong....write that down, I WAS WRONG.... They had been putting Jess off for 4 months and I seriously thought they would "screw" her out of what was partially a jump start to Jess's decision to buy when she did.  Anyway, it's now a moot point... Her check arrived this week.......and this is huge.......w/ INTEREST!!!!  Of course the interest is taxable but the credit is not.  This credit may actually do what it was intended to do.... Boost the numbers of home sales while boosting the economy a bit.  I believe they hoped it would be a governmental "pay-it-forward" type program.  The money would be used to upgrade your home, pay off some bills or whatever the homeowner deemed important in their financial life.  Jess has ordered new windows for her house.. another energy credit in store and purchased a new bed and mattress... Some of that credit has now gone back into the local economy through new business and local sales taxes.  I know this slight euphoria will be short lived as every other part of this crazy government has lost any semblance of making sense to me.... but for today, just one day....I'm happy my not so favorite uncle kept his word.

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