Monday, August 23, 2010

Shopping... a mind game

I never really gave much thought to being coerced into shopping.  If it was raining, I'd shop, If it was hot, I'd shop, If it were the holidays, I'd shop. If I was breathing........I'd shop!  As some do, I'd call is retail therapy....this would alleviate any guilt I might have spending money I didn't!  Finally, I've found someone and something concrete to blame!  Retailers are actually using high-tech tactics to appeal to our senses, our emotions and even our subconscious!  (I always knew that I was somehow controlled by something devious).  Here are some examples of the tricks behind the trades.
1- Luxuries - a beautiful leather briefcase would not only be classy but would make you feel successful.
2- Sensory stimulation -  (sounds pretty good before you even know what the hell it is) Lighting, music and fragrances stimulate your senses.
3- Hearing - What?...This is the most powerful sense. (No wonder Lee's such a lousy shopper)  Playing music w/ a rhythm that is slower than your heartbeat will make you linger.  If the right sound is played you could actually spend 29% more in the store.
4- Smell  - runs second to hearing and can trigger certain words in your head.. I'm confused on this one... like poop configures farm or roses configure funerals???? I prefer donuts and roast beef....(Maybe this was meant only for grocery stores.)
5- Touch -  many manufacturers leave openings in the packages so we can feel the item and connect with it......????????? I don't usually go to those stores :>0
6- Live models - soon this will become more widely used... Consumers will tend to buy something they see on someone rather than on the shelf or even on a mannequin.
Victoria's Secret will be packed!!!
7- Start high and lower -  Retailers have learned to show buyers products with many features and ask which they don't need rather than showing the basic model and asking which to add..... The buyer, usually men in the electronics departments, will go for  more features and gadgets. (This isn't really a new concept.. it's been working for years.)
Flattery- Buyers have become skilled at knowing when they're being bullsh---ed. Just telling us we look great in those pants doesn't work now, they've learned to say, "I just told a gal those pants weren't for her, but you look awesome in them" SOLD!
So, when you head out to school shop or Christmas shop ( I'm more than 1/2 finished - don't hate me), remember these little tips -  wear earplugs and nose plugs and sun glasses, don't touch anything unless it's absolutely necessary, follow your list without exception and if you can't stop yourself and you give in to a guilty whim purchase, just remember, there's a good chance the devil made you do it and in no way, is it your fault.  Gotta love it, no fault shopping!

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