Friday, August 20, 2010

A Mosque near Memories

Well, this one takes a little thought. We are thankful in this country to have freedom of religion. Unfortunately, one of the amendments does not include freedom of construction.  The hoops we have to go through in our small towns and villages are often a bit extreme.  One of them is, if we don't conform exactly to the codes set forth, we must seek a variance.  Having sat on both sides of that table, I know that the first question asked is, "Do your neighbors have any concerns with your building plans?"  If even one has an issue, your variance is usually not granted. This can be a good thing or bad thing. Now let's jump this question up a million notches and see if building a Mosque on the sight of the 9-11 massacre would be questioned by the "neighbors".  I'm thinking a great big no thank you would be there answer.  It may be perfectly legal to do so but let's go back to the tiny values and laws in small town America.  Many Muslims in the U.S. profess peace and harmony. Fortunately, most of us have NOT forgotten 9-11.  Thankfully most of us did not have a loved one in the city on 9-11 but those scenes are indelibly etched in our minds and hearts forever.  Guilt by association...right or wrong, you're judged by the company you keep (my Grandpa's favorite saying).  If those wishing to build the Mosque are true to their beliefs, they should acquiesce to the "neighbors" and move their religious structure to another area.  If I were at this table, I'd vote NO.  They may be legally in their rights to do so but morally their judgement is skewed.  Let's see how peaceful these religious leaders really are.

Personally, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them!!!!!!!

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