Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shamrock Shake?

I overheard an interesting conversation at the breakfast club this morning.  Some diners at a neighboring table were talking about propagating moss between their pavers on their patio.  Words I heard were moss, buttermilk and blender...Hmmmmm that was literally food for thought.  So home I came to google the concoction.  In our back yard, up by the fire pit, we get virtually no sun.  It's located at the base of the lower falls near the creek and moisture abounds. I thought maybe it would be a good place for a small rock garden with some pavers and a bench.  Just a few clicks and I found the recipe. Find some moss or a few varied species and take one handful of moss, blend with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of buttermilk. DO NOT drink or leave your blender unattended :-) The results will be a puree of stem parts and spores.  You can then take the "shake" and pour or paint it on or between whatever surface you'd like to see your green, furry new carpet.  I think my "site" is perfect for this little project.  Another nice thing about moss is it doesn't die when it gets dry...it just goes dormant.  I like dormant...I often AM dormant.  I'm not really a woods walker but I thankfully have many fit friends who I'm sure I could outfit with baggies and send them on a moss quest. I'm not quite sure if I should start this green project now or in the spring but a little more googling and I'm sure somebody will have the answer. This will be my little contribution to "Going Green".... well, sort of.....

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