Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My sagging.... economy....

This morning as I sat meditating in my thinking room.  I was pondering the state of the economy and the state of me at nearly 60, and the two became frightfully one.  My sagging tummy sat upon my tired thighs, my sagging boobs sat on my sagging tummy, my sagging chin nearly brushed my sagging boobs and my sagging under eye bags drooped southward to converse with my chin.  I decided that I could only help just one of these floundering conditions....So, I quickly dressed in my camouflage retail therapy garb and I'm heading to Best Buy to help the economy. It has lifted my spirits to know that I can at least do something to help this sagging economy.  Unfortunately, that's the only thing that was "lifted". 

Monday, August 30, 2010

"Bear"ly correct

You know all about my "soap box" ranting on grammar and spelling. I read my emails and check in on FB updates several times a day.  I know, some are saying "get a life" while others are right there with me.  First let me say a great big "Thank You" to the developers of Mozilla Firefox.  I changed browsers (out of necessity when my Fantasy Football draft room wouldn't run on IE for some inexplicable reason) last week from my old standby IE (Internet Explorer) which I had cut my Internet teeth on for years. I went to Mozilla Firefox. Jeff had tried to get me to change for a few years but you know the old "old dogs" adage.  Anyway, somebody in Mozilla world gets huge kudos from me.  Spell check now appears everywhere.  As I'm writing a face book entry, an email or even here on Blogger.  I'm lovin' the red squiggly line that appears under any misspelled word. (It's even back there under lovin" (oops there it is again).  As always, I digress!  Last Thursday I was relaxing with my breakfast pals and perusing the local morning paper. Bear knocks down man in his backyard was the mini headline. Just a short article about the proliferation of bear in our area.  Here's my grammar "no no" of the day.
       "He told police he fought back and was able to get up and run back to the house, which is about 55 miles north of New York City"
Wow, that guy better enter the next scheduled marathon... He could run it......AND run back......and have a couple miles to spare.....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thank you BHO....or is that HMO or better yet HELL NO

Just got great news in the mail today.  Our health insurance, under the great Obama Health Care Debacle will be raised from a mere $854.00 A MONTH to over $960.00 a month. A mere raise of 12.5 %...............Wow is that the COL raise these days? Lee reached 60 this year and I'm only a couple years shy.  We have run a successful business for 35 years, paid our bills on time, paid our taxes faithfully, raised two great kids, have an amazing granddaughter, built a beautiful new home, have a nice get-away in Florida and have NO mortgages.............except on our bodies. The next few months will be spent in figuring out how to protect what we have, cover unexpected health care crises and not deplete our retirement with outrageous insurance premiums.
There has to be an answer.  We've been the route of a medical savings account, which worked so well that it was phased out. We've been placed in a group with other small businesses through the Chamber of Commerce, which worked so well it was phased out. We found a new carrier and had our premiums reduced to a workable figure.....just to be raised by BC/BS the very next year and now again this year.  A nearly 25% raise in two years is unconscionable...I'm thinking a hospital policy may be the answer. We can afford the preventative costs but the inflated premiums are making us sick....Doesn't make sense to me but I guess Obama thinks it's perfectly acceptable.  Maybe this November something will happen to make me feel a whole lot better!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shamrock Shake?

I overheard an interesting conversation at the breakfast club this morning.  Some diners at a neighboring table were talking about propagating moss between their pavers on their patio.  Words I heard were moss, buttermilk and blender...Hmmmmm that was literally food for thought.  So home I came to google the concoction.  In our back yard, up by the fire pit, we get virtually no sun.  It's located at the base of the lower falls near the creek and moisture abounds. I thought maybe it would be a good place for a small rock garden with some pavers and a bench.  Just a few clicks and I found the recipe. Find some moss or a few varied species and take one handful of moss, blend with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of buttermilk. DO NOT drink or leave your blender unattended :-) The results will be a puree of stem parts and spores.  You can then take the "shake" and pour or paint it on or between whatever surface you'd like to see your green, furry new carpet.  I think my "site" is perfect for this little project.  Another nice thing about moss is it doesn't die when it gets dry...it just goes dormant.  I like dormant...I often AM dormant.  I'm not really a woods walker but I thankfully have many fit friends who I'm sure I could outfit with baggies and send them on a moss quest. I'm not quite sure if I should start this green project now or in the spring but a little more googling and I'm sure somebody will have the answer. This will be my little contribution to "Going Green".... well, sort of.....

Monday, August 23, 2010

Shopping... a mind game

I never really gave much thought to being coerced into shopping.  If it was raining, I'd shop, If it was hot, I'd shop, If it were the holidays, I'd shop. If I was breathing........I'd shop!  As some do, I'd call is retail therapy....this would alleviate any guilt I might have spending money I didn't!  Finally, I've found someone and something concrete to blame!  Retailers are actually using high-tech tactics to appeal to our senses, our emotions and even our subconscious!  (I always knew that I was somehow controlled by something devious).  Here are some examples of the tricks behind the trades.
1- Luxuries - a beautiful leather briefcase would not only be classy but would make you feel successful.
2- Sensory stimulation -  (sounds pretty good before you even know what the hell it is) Lighting, music and fragrances stimulate your senses.
3- Hearing - What?...This is the most powerful sense. (No wonder Lee's such a lousy shopper)  Playing music w/ a rhythm that is slower than your heartbeat will make you linger.  If the right sound is played you could actually spend 29% more in the store.
4- Smell  - runs second to hearing and can trigger certain words in your head.. I'm confused on this one... like poop configures farm or roses configure funerals???? I prefer donuts and roast beef....(Maybe this was meant only for grocery stores.)
5- Touch -  many manufacturers leave openings in the packages so we can feel the item and connect with it......????????? I don't usually go to those stores :>0
6- Live models - soon this will become more widely used... Consumers will tend to buy something they see on someone rather than on the shelf or even on a mannequin.
Victoria's Secret will be packed!!!
7- Start high and lower -  Retailers have learned to show buyers products with many features and ask which they don't need rather than showing the basic model and asking which to add..... The buyer, usually men in the electronics departments, will go for  more features and gadgets. (This isn't really a new concept.. it's been working for years.)
Flattery- Buyers have become skilled at knowing when they're being bullsh---ed. Just telling us we look great in those pants doesn't work anymore....so now, they've learned to say, "I just told a gal those pants weren't for her, but you look awesome in them" SOLD!
So, when you head out to school shop or Christmas shop ( I'm more than 1/2 finished - don't hate me), remember these little tips -  wear earplugs and nose plugs and sun glasses, don't touch anything unless it's absolutely necessary, follow your list without exception and if you can't stop yourself and you give in to a guilty whim purchase, just remember, there's a good chance the devil made you do it and in no way, is it your fault.  Gotta love it, no fault shopping!

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Mosque near Memories

Well, this one takes a little thought. We are thankful in this country to have freedom of religion. Unfortunately, one of the amendments does not include freedom of construction.  The hoops we have to go through in our small towns and villages are often a bit extreme.  One of them is, if we don't conform exactly to the codes set forth, we must seek a variance.  Having sat on both sides of that table, I know that the first question asked is, "Do your neighbors have any concerns with your building plans?"  If even one has an issue, your variance is usually not granted. This can be a good thing or bad thing. Now let's jump this question up a million notches and see if building a Mosque on the sight of the 9-11 massacre would be questioned by the "neighbors".  I'm thinking a great big no thank you would be there answer.  It may be perfectly legal to do so but let's go back to the tiny values and laws in small town America.  Many Muslims in the U.S. profess peace and harmony. Fortunately, most of us have NOT forgotten 9-11.  Thankfully most of us did not have a loved one in the city on 9-11 but those scenes are indelibly etched in our minds and hearts forever.  Guilt by association...right or wrong, you're judged by the company you keep (my Grandpa's favorite saying).  If those wishing to build the Mosque are true to their beliefs, they should acquiesce to the "neighbors" and move their religious structure to another area.  If I were at this table, I'd vote NO.  They may be legally in their rights to do so but morally their judgement is skewed.  Let's see how peaceful these religious leaders really are.

Personally, I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kids say the Darndest Things......

Remember Art Linkletter's Kids Say the Darndest Things?  Well the material for that show would have been endless... Yesterday, we (Bailee, Jess and I) were shopping (shocker) and Bailee was in the checkout line w/ me.  Her Mom has been stressing the "stranger" angle recently and so everyone that I converse with or tries to converse w/ B. is in question. "Do I know her"  "Do I know him"  "Do you know her" Does Papa know him"????  The lady behind us was chatting with Bailee ( I had "cleared" her w/ Bailee) when the gal asked her, "How old are you"?  Bailee raised her 3 fingers and promptly replied "THREE, how old are YOU?"   I looked at the lady and said, "Hey, fair is fair".............................she was 43!

Bailee has been learning to navigate the computer and does extremely well. Last night she had found the game she wanted to play online and steered herself back to the original website.  She was going from page to page and site to site.. Pretty awesome for a 3 year old. I told her I was so proud of her and all she had learned practicing on the computer, I said, "I can't believe all the things you can do by yourself!"  She replied, "Dama, you got no idea!"   Then she looked at me, smiled and said, "You're the best Dama in the whole we-old!"

Top that Art!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I actually thought the first time home buyers tax credit was just part of a huge numbers game that Uncle Sam had suckered the buying public into believing.  I was wrong....write that down, I WAS WRONG.... They had been putting Jess off for 4 months and I seriously thought they would "screw" her out of what was partially a jump start to Jess's decision to buy when she did.  Anyway, it's now a moot point... Her check arrived this week.......and this is huge.......w/ INTEREST!!!!  Of course the interest is taxable but the credit is not.  This credit may actually do what it was intended to do.... Boost the numbers of home sales while boosting the economy a bit.  I believe they hoped it would be a governmental "pay-it-forward" type program.  The money would be used to upgrade your home, pay off some bills or whatever the homeowner deemed important in their financial life.  Jess has ordered new windows for her house.. another energy credit in store and purchased a new bed and mattress... Some of that credit has now gone back into the local economy through new business and local sales taxes.  I know this slight euphoria will be short lived as every other part of this crazy government has lost any semblance of making sense to me.... but for today, just one day....I'm happy my not so favorite uncle kept his word.

Monday, August 16, 2010

8 decades....

We had a fun day yesterday. Lots of friends and family gathered at the Odd Fellows Hall (I think there's a "not so" subtle" message in that venue).  We celebrated Grandpa's 80th birthday.  A Hatfield, dish to pass, affair always makes a tummy happy, especially near harvest time! Guests travelled from New Hamsphire to Florida to drink a few beers, tell a few stories and congratulate Wendell on surviving 4 wives, 6 kids, 12 grandkids, 8 great-grands and an assortment of illustrious and "savory" relatives and friends. All through these 80 years, he's kept on smilin' and dancin' and tellin' it like it is....hmmm... maybe that's the secret!

Friday, August 13, 2010

"Gimme" some credit

Credit- the granting of a loan and the creation of debt. It is any form of deferred payment.

Yesterday I was watching the noon news and they have a segment on Wednesdays called Money Talks.  What an understatement that is!  I have had this credit conversation with my kids, my husband and friends.......more than once.  Good credit is earned and boy do you have to work hard.  Nothing about good credit makes any sense these days.  I have stressed to them that it is more important to pay on time then to pay all of what you might owe, even if it's less than the minimum due.  If you owe $50 and you only have $30....PAY the $30 and PAY IT ON TIME... Your credit report sees your attentiveness to paying on time than even more than your ability to pay what you owe.  I cannot stress enough how confusing the credit world is.  If you have a line of credit for $10,000, your credit shows you virtually OWE that $10K even if in actuality you only have used $1500 of that 10K.  The credit companies see that you have the potential at any second to spend that extra $8500. That available money is yours for the taking. 
So back to yesterday's show. The financial guru was explaining that there are two ways to hurt your credit. One is assuming more credit (Leroy, like the needless Sears card you just acquired to save 15% on socks and shorts) or closing accounts that you don't use.
The credit world is counting on us to override everything we've been taught. It makes perfect sense to ditch cards you don't need and therefore alleviating the urge to charge something. They're literally banking on us to NOT understand.  Now, if you think that's complicated, listen to the one way we can HELP our credit rating.  If you have a line of credit for $1000 and have used nearly all of it, ask if you can UP your credit line "to say, $3000.00" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT?  Your debt ratio will then be less because you actually have used substantially less than you have available... ( you now will owe only 33% of what is available to you rather than nearly 100%) Looks great on paper..after all,  we all know that 33 is less than 100. But wait again.... You now have that extra $3K available to use so your "in debt" for 3k more.... vicious cycle eh?
The sad part of this entire saga is that the rules keep changing and we will never fully understand them all... and even sadder is that fact that they're counting on just that!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Here's your Sign!

I should have known this affliction would one day be mine.  The signs were all there.  My favorite color is green.  Every house I've owned is green.  I enjoy shopping and money is green.  I'v always loved the Philadelphia Eagles and their team colors were light and dark green. I enjoy mowing my lawns and they're green and all the plants I work so hard to keep thriving are green. Basically, I love NY, not every single thing about NY but it's my home and I love it.  My son has worked nearly 11 years at airports and with airplanes every day.  Bailee loves dinosaurs, especially Tyrannosaurus REX.  Two of my favorite gals are Ryans.  Within days, this pictured, jumbo fellow will adorn my front yard and the word will be out.  I know they say the first step is simply being able to admit your affliction.  This is big for me as I've tried to remain faithful and true to the roaming buffalo but for heaven sakes people FOUR huge losses and seasons full of disappointment. A fan can only take so much!  So today, I'm taking the first step and telling the you and the world......I AM A JET'S FAN!

I'm looking for a sponsor and will attend meetings as soon as I can locate some.  If you can help me, please make ths journey with me.  Today I've taken Step one....11 more to go!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Starting form scratch!!!

I'm a little disappointed to be starting my ramblings over again from scratch.  Losing nearly four years of rantings and ravings, pictures and prose and  opinions and outrageous nonsense is sad...but they were only words and as you all know, I'm full of them.  I'll start a new journey as Bailee is... She so enjoyed her week at VBS (vacation Bible school).  I gave her a "surprise" after her final day, the neatest children's Bible.  Each chapter, one or two pages, follows the Bible and God's word just as a "Little Golden Book" might.  (well actually the Bible IS a Little Golden Book isn't it?)... anyway, she has learned about the Creation of the Universe, day and night, the sun and the moon and the trees and the plants.  One day she may study the evolution theory but the basics are here for her now.  She has learned a little about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Thankfully, she continues to want to wear clothes and hasn't asked yet why she can't just wear leaves.   Those questions will follow too, someday.  She did learn her first Sunday School song and performed spectacularly at the closing ceremonies of VBS on their final Sunday.  Her mother cried! as I would have.  I would love to attach B. singing Jesus Loves Me but as I've recently demonstrated, I'm technically challenged. I'll ask for help and see if we can get her on "display" soon....
This morning I'm off on another adventure..... A Dr's appt. w/ Mom....  By the time I return, I too, may be singing, Yes, Jesus Loves Me......or at least Praise the Lord...and pass the ammunition!

Friday, August 6, 2010


OK, I've been totally Googled this morning... All I wanted to do was block a follower on my simplysandy blog and I've stopped my entire account, lost my simply sandy blog forever and have no idea how I did it.... Gotta love technology.... So, I guess my new blog is http://www.sandy-simplysandy.blogspot/ .com.  I guess I'll just have to send some emails (if I'm still smart enough to know how to do that) and let my faithful followers know where the heck I am.... But first, I guess I'd better find out....