Wednesday, September 2, 2015

See you in September

September is here and I'm thrilled.  It's always been my "first day of the year."  From the time I can remember, the first day of school was my new beginning.  It used to be that the Moravia Fair was held around mid August and it seemed to be the first time you grabbed a sweatshirt or sweater.  Labor Day was the official end of summer but not really for those of us on the lake.  We lived at the cottage from May to October and we had plenty of lake time left...without everybody there. There were no sports for girls then (no Title 9) so only my brother Steve had practices of any kind. The first day pictures were always taken by the steps leading to railroad tracks...the steps with our hand prints ceremoniously placed in the concrete,  Nobody complained and we all looked pretty sharp with our new clothes, fresh haircuts and polished sneakers.
The tradition continued as Jeff and Jess, often reluctantly, stood tall for their pictures on the stairs at 929 and then more on the porch and even more on the steps of the bus. Now it's Bailee in front of the Rose of Fuzzy bush and another in front of her classroom with her new teacher.  Even typing, I have a lump in my throat thinking she'll be a 4th grader with only 2 more picture days at the Elementary School. Time flies! Thank God that I can do it all over again when Baby Hat reaches school age.
This year will go fast as we have much to look forward to.  Bailee will be learning to play the saxophone,,more than just the 3 notes she's mastered now, Baby Hat will be here this winter preceded by holidays, birthdays and showers and then spring will burst through again. 
I love this time of year for so many reasons....I hope it lingers for weeks , then covers us with a blanket of nice clean snow.  (no haters)...just Happy New Year to all!

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