Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Boy oh Boy

It's official.  It's beautiful, it's busy and it has a penis.  What a spectacular day we had on Saturday.  Lacie and Jeff, Julz, Pam and I ventured to the Baby Moment Spa in Rochester to see what we could see.  We arrived on time and found out that Saturday's babies were all hiding and a bit uncooperative. We settled in for a wait!  Our turn came and we anxiously took our places in the viewing room. The gal who owns the Spa was the technician and immediately we loved her.  She wanted to know what our best guess was as to gender and we all, but Julz, said girl....we'd have bet the farm on it.  She carefully began searching for baby parts and then asked, "Who were the psychics that predicted girl?"
We all nodded in the affirmative, except Julz.  "Well, this girl has a PENIS!" I'm pretty sure you could have heard us whooping and hollering for miles.  High fives, huge hugs and lots of tears all around.  There was absolutely no denying that picture.  He may have been covering his face but his other parts were there for the world to see.  I haven't cared anything about seeing a penis for years but I couldn't stop looking at that one!!!  In fact I have it framed on my desk....Slutty Grandma that I am!!!!  We continued on to see perfect little hands, tiny little feet, a sucking little mouth and even a smile....Yes, we know it was a smile.  We even got a little wave!  He's not a docile little boy. He enjoyed moving those legs and waving those arms.  Jeff loved that he had his penis thrown over his shoulder.. we all knew it was the umbilical cord but we hastened to burst his bubble. 
Their plan was pink or blue bubble gum to announce the gender so we stopped at 5 different stores finally finding it in Moravia.... They all chewed a lot of gum but the announcement was made and the world rejoiced,,,,,well at least our world did.  Papa, PopPop and Julz knew all along but the rest of us were over the moon to be wrong!!!!
Jett Hewitt Hatfield is a handsome, healthy little boy and content to just lay in there and grow. We'll see you in February little man....the Hewitt name...lives on♥♥♥

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