Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fantasy Island

Week one is under our belts and I squeaked it out.  Each year I keep thinking that I should be becoming more skillful in my picks and each year I realize that this "fundertaking" is 90% luck and 10% skill. When I first began playing, I chose with my heart... Buffalo this and Seattle that..(my two favorite teams.)  Then one year I actually bought a Fantasy Football magazine and started reading about the players...both veterans and newbies. I should have gotten better.  The next year I chose my picks carefully and had them all listed for draft day.  I should have gotten better! This year I actually Tivo'd and watched Fantasy Football shows on the sports networks and decided I would go in with some knowledge. I should have gotten better.  In fact, I nearly forgot about the draft time and only squeaked in by the hair on my chinny chin chin (a blog for another day) with a text from my week one opponent and the Commish. (Thanks Resa Dee.)  I wasn't even at home and had to use Jeff's laptop and my memory to compile my draft list... Thank God that Jeff's girlfriend's daughter's father (whew) had wheeled in and given me a heads up on a couple of rookies. (no, that's not cheating... that's research!) I should have gotten better.

Regardless of my prowess...or lack thereof...Fantasy Football makes the season even more fun..if that's possible.  Now, I'm rooting for players I don't even know, for teams I don't even like to score against players I have chosen because I like them versus their age, their skills and their records.  We'll see what the rest of the season holds but it sure is exciting...especially when I have nothing invested but recliner time and high hopes! On any given Sunday.....I should be getting better!!

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