Monday, July 27, 2015

Sitting Ducks

Our first duck casualties last week. In the night, I heard a commotion and awoke to find a raccoon helping himself to my ducks.  I had asked Lee to put them in their house but he was "tired."  He said they'd be fine. He was wrong!  We finally scared the nasty little bastard off but not before he had ravaged my sweet Bruce and one of the K's. Thankfully, just a couple of days before, Bruce had taken advantage of one of the girls in the pool so he went out "on top!"  We set a couple of traps last night and hit the jackpot on one big sucker... Lee had baited the trap with a piece of Bruce and it did the trick.  This morning I awoke to a couple of "pops" and Rocky was history...DRT! Karma's a bitch at EIEIO. RIP (rest in pieces) Bruce:-(

We got the pond all set and filled yesterday. We just need to get it back-filled with sand and do a little landscaping with the rocks.  They need a good foothold to get in and out of the water.. Webbed feet aren't very conducive to climbing. We have to lengthen the ramp into the "soon to be" duck house as they can't walk up anything greater than a 45 degree incline and they need sides on their ramp.....just like me;-)  Hopefully we will soon transition all the animals to their new quarters and hope that they're all happy...I'm still trying to figure out how to get grass to the ducks... I may have to have some raised beds for them as they're taking over the chicken run which is pure dirt... I wonder if they realize how good they have it?  The barn is nearly ready...The girls are even getting curtains for their nesting boxes..... I mean who really wants to "lay" right in public....

Today is a hot one so they'll all get some nice, cool watermelon.  You could live in a worse place than EIEIO....just ask the raccoon!!!

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