Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I have been such a good girl.  I only squealed to a few close pals but today I can shout to the world.  I'm gonna be a Grandma again!!!   I pretty much was positive that Bailee was going to be the reigning champ in my grandkid she'll have to share!  We were given the awesome news on...what else....Father's Day.  The kids did a great job making the announcement.  Julia gave both grandparents boxes saying she'd been working on them for awhile and had finally finished them. She wanted us to open them on the count of 3.... We did....Pam and I got it at the same time, Greg followed and Lee caught up about 3 days later ;-)  The boxes held several pictures (like the ones below) and under a layer of tissue paper was a onesie... ours had a # 2 and Pam and Greg's had a # 4. each for the number of grandkids we would have. All had our appropriate names, Papa, Grandma, Mima and Pops.  Lee still......was oblivious!  The video is pretty entertaining to say the least...maybe even youtube worthy! 

Jeff and Lace asked that we keep it off Face Book and only tell our closest pals until they had their first OB appointment...yesterday.  Yesterday was also Julia's 13th birthday so we didn't want to overshadow her day... was the day and what fun.  I got to post pictures and videos and got so many awesome well wishes from all of our amazing friends and family..  This will be an awesome fall and winter.

I can't wait until February....Who doesn't love February in upstate New York? Jeffrey arrived February 14th, Mima's birthday is February 13th and President's Day is the 15th.....their due date... I'm pretty sure this means my newest grandbaby will grow up to be President!!!!

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