Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Update

Whoa, we managed 3 entirely rain free days and on a week-end no less. That in itself, is blog-worthy. 

Friday my friend Laurie and I enjoyed our dear friend (of 58 years) Pam's retirement party.  It was a lovely afternoon at Cornell's Moakley House.  She has a beautiful family and it was fun to celebrate with her...

Saturday I made my annual trek to the Hallmark store for my first "batch" of holiday ornaments.  I hit Lowes for barn supplies and ended up at Pet Depot to buy bugs.  No shit, I can't even believe that I bought things that crawl and hop and are card-carrying members of the insect world...  I freakin' HATE bugs.  Being a peacock parent is a tough job and all parents must take one for the team.. BTW, the crickets are still in the bag and the meal worms are still living in the fridge...garage fridge. I will muster up the courage to feed them as a snack to our peacock baby soon...  Speaking of P, this morning as I was working at my desk I heard some very loud peeping....which increased in volume within minutes.  I got up to check it out and there by the doorway to my den was Mr/Mrs. P.  I guess those pin feathers do grow a quarter of an inch a day.  She actually flew out of her tote which is nearly 2 feet tall....and she's only 6 days old.  I could be in for a long summer. 

This was Hatfield reunion week-end and Jeff and Jamie teamed up again for the golf tournament... They teamed up again and WON again... 3 years in a row...A HAT TRICK!!!  Yesterday was the reunion and a great meal, as always, was served.  Many Hatfields cooking is a very good thing!!!

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