Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It's Official

It's official. I'm a farmer...I'm not even the farmer's wife....I'm actually THE farmer! I've stopped complaining about tracking mud and chicken shit into the house, I've decided to grow herbs to keep flies out of the nesting boxes and to keep my flock healthier, I plan special treats to keep them warm when they need it and cool when it's sweltering, I smile when they come running to me even though they'd come running to Jack the Ripper if he had treats and I search the skies regularly for any flying predators who think they're having one of my flock for lunch! 

My barn is a thing of beauty.  It will soon be adorned with some artful décor and will be a full service high-flyin' hotel for anything feathered.  Electricity is next on the agenda followed by the duck pond and their enclosure.  Right now they're relegated to a small play yard but soon will think they've moved to the Ritz.... (now I'm singing, "Shittin' on the Ritz".)  If anyone is interested in any type of shed for any purpose, Dale and his crew at Quality Sheds in Scipio are top notch.  As any of my contractors can attest to, I know what I want and I'm pretty sure I can make them understand just what that is.. (right Josh, Billy, Fred, Al and Dale?)  Needless to say, the barn is perfect!.. I flipped the color scheme from all the other structures and went with Hunter Green with clay trim....and I love it...Soon the inside will be ready for occupancy and we can work on the landscaping... after all, fowl like flowers and shrubs...............................for lunch!

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