Wednesday, July 29, 2015

One of Those Days

Today is one of those days!  I strongly dislike the heat....I'm HOT (in the sweaty sense).  I had an early morning call from a dear friend that made me sad beyond comprehension....I'm devastated!  I went to spend some time with Mom this morning.....I'm depressed.  My knees are killing me.....I'm old!

But, I'm going to turn this day into a good one!  I've been chatting with my goose and ducks this morning while giving them their morning shower. Baby gave me a little HISStory on his life and the ducks were trying to wash away all the carnage from their relative's recent slaughter.  They have begun eating again which is a good sign.  Christmas and birthday orders are arriving daily..You're welcome Amazon.  Birthday planning for Lee, (Friday,) Lacie (Sept,) Jeff and Bailee (Nov) is progressing nicely.  A week-end getaway with family, especially Bailee, is coming up soon. Family will be arriving next week from California and last but so very far away from least is Walter's ( every embryo gets a nickname in this family) arrival and all the planning to welcome him/her in style. 

Thank God for supportive friends and family and things to look forward to.... those things make one of those :-( of these :-)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Sitting Ducks

Our first duck casualties last week. In the night, I heard a commotion and awoke to find a raccoon helping himself to my ducks.  I had asked Lee to put them in their house but he was "tired."  He said they'd be fine. He was wrong!  We finally scared the nasty little bastard off but not before he had ravaged my sweet Bruce and one of the K's. Thankfully, just a couple of days before, Bruce had taken advantage of one of the girls in the pool so he went out "on top!"  We set a couple of traps last night and hit the jackpot on one big sucker... Lee had baited the trap with a piece of Bruce and it did the trick.  This morning I awoke to a couple of "pops" and Rocky was history...DRT! Karma's a bitch at EIEIO. RIP (rest in pieces) Bruce:-(

We got the pond all set and filled yesterday. We just need to get it back-filled with sand and do a little landscaping with the rocks.  They need a good foothold to get in and out of the water.. Webbed feet aren't very conducive to climbing. We have to lengthen the ramp into the "soon to be" duck house as they can't walk up anything greater than a 45 degree incline and they need sides on their ramp.....just like me;-)  Hopefully we will soon transition all the animals to their new quarters and hope that they're all happy...I'm still trying to figure out how to get grass to the ducks... I may have to have some raised beds for them as they're taking over the chicken run which is pure dirt... I wonder if they realize how good they have it?  The barn is nearly ready...The girls are even getting curtains for their nesting boxes..... I mean who really wants to "lay" right in public....

Today is a hot one so they'll all get some nice, cool watermelon.  You could live in a worse place than EIEIO....just ask the raccoon!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I Believe

Remember the song, I Believe?  Many recorded it but I think I remember Elvis and the Lettermen's renditions the best.  It was the song that the Senior class of 1962 sang at Moravia's graduation that brother's class.  Every time I hear it played, I get a little emotional. Today, a dear friend is really struggling with a nasty disease.  She's young, beautiful, compassionate, smart and never hurt a single person.................ever.  So, why?  Folks tritely say, "Everything happens for a reason!"  Really, I find that hard to believe. 

I Believe

I believe for every drop of rain that falls
A flower grows
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows
I believe for everyone who goes astray, someone will come
To show the way
I believe, I believe
I believe above a storm the smallest prayer
Can still be heard
I believe that someone in the great somewhere
Hears every word
Every time I hear a new born baby cry,
Or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why, I believe
Every time I hear a new born baby cry,
Or touch a leaf or see the sky
Then I know why, I believe

I believe it all up until that "Someone in the great somewhere hears every word."  Who and where? and How do we know... And why does he/she pick and choose who he hears and who he helps and why not help everybody?  If you love someone, you're supposed to help them and love them unconditionally.  If he loves us all...........................................What's up with that?  .... But, we're taught to believe.  I believe it'll get dark every night and the sun will come up every morning (whether or not I see it.)  I believe that no matter how much money I make, the government will want much of it and use it unwisely.  I believe that chocolate undeniably makes me happier.....and wider. (not a typo) I believe that if we can walk on the moon (and return,) there are cures for horrible diseases and others don't want them known. I believe that there is someone for everyone!  I believe that all good things take time and good things happen to good people.  I still struggle with everything happens for a reason and all you need to do is believe......

I pray ( to someone) every single night. I guess I'm a hypocritical Christian. I hope, if he/she's out there, that they cut me a break and take my wavering beliefs with a grain of salt and not judge me if it's added to my Bloody Mary!

I'm trying my best! 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fowl Power

Today, the girls and boys are getting power to their condo (aka barn.)  Bright and early the equipment and manpower arrived. By 8:30, the ditch was dug, the conduit was laid, the bees had stung and the Bud Lite was popped. Who says country life isn't grand! (yes Bailee, that's a rhetorical does an 8 year old know that?)

Jeff and Greg built my screen partition in the barn, curtains for the nesting boxes are in production, the pond is on site and the drainage ditch is in place. Jeff's in-laws made us the most beautiful barn quilt and my new windmill is in place.  I must admit, the walnut grove is looking rustically and beautifully country. It will be so nice to have all the critters in one place.....and down wind....sort of.
Mr. P (who Jon believes is most likely Penny) and her pen pal, Bic, are heading to the smoke house on the next leg of their journey at EIEIO.  One escape artist was enough but the two together, in the house, are a real Penn and Teller act..... get it? Penn :-/  I will miss their incessant peeping....not!

Baby is settling in pretty well.  I believe he likes me......and only me.  He tends to stand dead center in the big pool and forces Bruce and the gang to share in the feeding bowl water.  Whatever works...his long tongue and loud hisses give him carte blanche in Web World.

Things are coming together nicely.  The big move is right around the corner...I'll soon have my yard and my garage back and the Grove will be buzzing with fowl language.  I love it!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

FOUR decades.

Well, 40 years ago today I was "doing" my hair and nails and preparing for an outside wedding (that we hade NEVER rehearsed inside in case of rain.)  Mother Nature cooperated and it was a beautiful, fun day.  It was a bit breezy and my veil resembled the flying nun but pictures were fun,  Onlookers from the water had a fisheye view as their pontoon boat stalled and they joined the ceremony nearly on shore.  Wendy sang Annie's Song, Dave (our minister) performed his very first wedding using his thesis for seminary as the service then both Lee and I were kidnapped from the reception by dear friends who shall remain nameless....NOT .....Donnie Nye and Gary Mulvaney.... The girls snatched Lee and we ended up at Glenview.  My Mother was so pleased.  We stopped at my Grandpa's (as he was under the weather) in 2 cars confirming his outspoken greeting, "I knew it wouldn't last!  Well, the joke's on you Gramp... 40 years later, here we are....  semi-retired, 2 great kids, 1 and 2/9 grandkids, 1 step granddaughter, a beautiful DIL (hopefully) and an amazing home by the falls.  And the part you'd like best..... Lee no longer has "that god-damned hair" fact, he has none!
We returned safely to the reception and as the Moravia paper always says, "A good time was had by all!"

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy Birthday

Happy 71st Birthday Steve.  Hope you're partying in heaven....I'm pretty sure you went there ;-)  I still miss you like crazy and wonder what you might think of how our lives progressed.  I'm pretty sure you'd be disappointed in some and proud of others.  You'd have loved my kids and grandkid(s.)  We have one more on the way.  You would never believe that our beautiful new home is surrounded by feathered family.  I'm thinking if you were still here things would be different with our dysfunctional family, but maybe not....we'll never know.  I have an amazing Hatfield family and friends who are more family than family:-/ Life is good! Miss you always!  You don't look a day over 25♥




Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I have been such a good girl.  I only squealed to a few close pals but today I can shout to the world.  I'm gonna be a Grandma again!!!   I pretty much was positive that Bailee was going to be the reigning champ in my grandkid she'll have to share!  We were given the awesome news on...what else....Father's Day.  The kids did a great job making the announcement.  Julia gave both grandparents boxes saying she'd been working on them for awhile and had finally finished them. She wanted us to open them on the count of 3.... We did....Pam and I got it at the same time, Greg followed and Lee caught up about 3 days later ;-)  The boxes held several pictures (like the ones below) and under a layer of tissue paper was a onesie... ours had a # 2 and Pam and Greg's had a # 4. each for the number of grandkids we would have. All had our appropriate names, Papa, Grandma, Mima and Pops.  Lee still......was oblivious!  The video is pretty entertaining to say the least...maybe even youtube worthy! 

Jeff and Lace asked that we keep it off Face Book and only tell our closest pals until they had their first OB appointment...yesterday.  Yesterday was also Julia's 13th birthday so we didn't want to overshadow her day... was the day and what fun.  I got to post pictures and videos and got so many awesome well wishes from all of our amazing friends and family..  This will be an awesome fall and winter.

I can't wait until February....Who doesn't love February in upstate New York? Jeffrey arrived February 14th, Mima's birthday is February 13th and President's Day is the 15th.....their due date... I'm pretty sure this means my newest grandbaby will grow up to be President!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Identity crisis

Holy EIEIO... Yesterday afternoon, Baby, our rescue duck, arrived....only I'm pretty sure he's a goose.  I can't find anywhere in my research that says ducks hiss.... Baby has a definite personality and hisses regularly.  He spent the night in a cage in the duck pen.  This morning I let him out and he towers over the pen...He knows his name and seems to be acclimating OK... The ducks seem to be amenable to his arrival but there have been no friendly games of Duck, Duck, Goose yet!  I did however, have a ringside seat to some duck porn this morning.  (That newly acquired knowledge..for me, will be shared in another is beyond interesting!) For now, we'll see how they fare hopefully won't be too long before we get the duck pond in and the news enclosures secured.  Lucky ducks!

So, for anyone keeping count:  That makes 10 hens, 4 ducks, 3 roosters, 2 turkeys, 1 goose and 1 peacock... (FYI...we're getting a chick later to room with "P" so she/he won't be lonesome! )  I'm pretty sure that my Dad is up there shaking his head and wondering where he went wrong!!! ;-)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Update

Whoa, we managed 3 entirely rain free days and on a week-end no less. That in itself, is blog-worthy. 

Friday my friend Laurie and I enjoyed our dear friend (of 58 years) Pam's retirement party.  It was a lovely afternoon at Cornell's Moakley House.  She has a beautiful family and it was fun to celebrate with her...

Saturday I made my annual trek to the Hallmark store for my first "batch" of holiday ornaments.  I hit Lowes for barn supplies and ended up at Pet Depot to buy bugs.  No shit, I can't even believe that I bought things that crawl and hop and are card-carrying members of the insect world...  I freakin' HATE bugs.  Being a peacock parent is a tough job and all parents must take one for the team.. BTW, the crickets are still in the bag and the meal worms are still living in the fridge...garage fridge. I will muster up the courage to feed them as a snack to our peacock baby soon...  Speaking of P, this morning as I was working at my desk I heard some very loud peeping....which increased in volume within minutes.  I got up to check it out and there by the doorway to my den was Mr/Mrs. P.  I guess those pin feathers do grow a quarter of an inch a day.  She actually flew out of her tote which is nearly 2 feet tall....and she's only 6 days old.  I could be in for a long summer. 

This was Hatfield reunion week-end and Jeff and Jamie teamed up again for the golf tournament... They teamed up again and WON again... 3 years in a row...A HAT TRICK!!!  Yesterday was the reunion and a great meal, as always, was served.  Many Hatfields cooking is a very good thing!!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Stayin' Alive

Well, our baby is 3 days old and going strong. Still dealing with identity issues but sleeping, standing, walking, peeing, pooping, eating and drinking. Hated to continue with several names so for now "it's" just in Diddy... When we find out, it will be lengthened to Penelope or Peter.  I offered some tiny bits of grass into P's food and tomorrow I may find and add some tiny crickets or mealworms to it's water so he/she can practice catching moving objects.... It's tough being a peagrandma!  I have to think like a bird and my experience is limited. Thank goodness for Google!

His mirrors keep him from being lonesome!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I'm a Pea-Grandma

I'm a grandma...again. Yesterday one of our peacock eggs hatched... (without me :-(  successfully!  Some of the boys from Quality Sheds were here to deliver a new ramp and they asked me how many chicks we had in the incubator.  I replied 4 and they were due to hatch soon...if we were lucky.  One said, "You have a chick in the incubator."  Sure enough, the egg closest to the side of the incubator had hatched sometime between 10 and 3.  It was nestled in one of the egg holes where we place the eggs in the turner.  I was slightly panicked as I had NO IDEA what to do.  Thank God Siri was there to help me find some answers.  They can be left in the incubator as long as 24 hrs. to dry off.... but it appeared that I could remove him and dry him myself.  I waited for "help" and we removed him and put him under the heat lamp to dry a bit more and allow us to add one more egg to the incubator. No signs of the other 3 beginning to pip.  They may not have made the trip...we'll see!
I have learned so much about the bird world.  When we turned her/him over, we saw the dime sized red bulge where he had absorbed the yolk into his body.  That will nourish him for about 3 days.  (That's why so many chicks are mailed to stores and farmers as young as one day old.  There is no concern about them being eh?) They also have a tiny hard bump on the end of their beak called an egg tooth.  This is how they break the shell and begin pipping (hatching.)  The tooth will dissolve within a few days.  Also, the egg is fairly easily cracked from the inside out but quite safe and benign from the outside.  Easy to get out, hard to get in!
We've had a few suggestions for names... If it's a girl we like Penelope.  If it's a boy, we like Perry or Pete!  For now, again we have a Bruce....nobody knows for sure.  It would be great for Bruce to have a sibling but time will tell. For now, Aunt Lacie is getting a little mirror so Bruce can work on who the hell he is!

The night went well and Bruce is trying to get his bearings and work with his humongous feet.... He'll soon have a lot of feathers to hold up! They can grow (the feathers) about 1/4 inch a DAY!

Welcome to EIEIO Bruce!  Who'da thunk!?

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

It's Official

It's official. I'm a farmer...I'm not even the farmer's wife....I'm actually THE farmer! I've stopped complaining about tracking mud and chicken shit into the house, I've decided to grow herbs to keep flies out of the nesting boxes and to keep my flock healthier, I plan special treats to keep them warm when they need it and cool when it's sweltering, I smile when they come running to me even though they'd come running to Jack the Ripper if he had treats and I search the skies regularly for any flying predators who think they're having one of my flock for lunch! 

My barn is a thing of beauty.  It will soon be adorned with some artful décor and will be a full service high-flyin' hotel for anything feathered.  Electricity is next on the agenda followed by the duck pond and their enclosure.  Right now they're relegated to a small play yard but soon will think they've moved to the Ritz.... (now I'm singing, "Shittin' on the Ritz".)  If anyone is interested in any type of shed for any purpose, Dale and his crew at Quality Sheds in Scipio are top notch.  As any of my contractors can attest to, I know what I want and I'm pretty sure I can make them understand just what that is.. (right Josh, Billy, Fred, Al and Dale?)  Needless to say, the barn is perfect!.. I flipped the color scheme from all the other structures and went with Hunter Green with clay trim....and I love it...Soon the inside will be ready for occupancy and we can work on the landscaping... after all, fowl like flowers and shrubs...............................for lunch!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Monday Update

Graduations, weddings and barns, oh my!  It's been a busy beginning to July and summer.  The rain  finally stopped (for a few minutes at least) and we enjoyed some grand celebrations over the week-end. 
I am so happy for my dear friend Resa and her partner in life.  Good health and happiness are the only things we can wish for our friends and family.  Saturday, Independence Day, was a celebration of love..nothing more and certainly nothing less. Their happiness made an entire room smile.  Who could ask for more!! Our best forever to Resa and Michelle♥
Graduations are a wonderful milestone.  Not such an easy feat in this day and age.  Congratulations to all and especially those who invited us to share their successes, Ryan, Molly, Cody and Scottie. The world is in good hands!
My barn arrives this afternoon!!! Who would ever have dreamed that that would excite me to the extent it does.  So what does a gal dream of for a 40th wedding anniversary herself...yep, a new barn.  Don't get me wrong, it's just a little barn but there will be room for Steve Harvey, Dick and the girls as well as Original and Extra Crispy.  The ducks will be moving north (to the other yard) where they'll take up residence in the old coop...and soon have their own little pool to bathe, drink and poop in... Their hygiene is a little skewed!!  Hopefully, everyone will get along and maybe they'll even be joined by a couple peachicks soon...And I thought turkeys pooped a lot!
Pictures will follow soon......Another marvelous Monday :-)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Once in a Blue Moon

Once (or twice) in a Blue Moon:  What's that all about?  Well, according to Bob at the Farmer's Almanac, here's the scoop:

On Wednesday night (tonight), we see the year's lowest full moon. (If the weather cooperates, that is)
At its highest at 1 AM, it won't even get one-third of the way up the sky, from typical U.S. locations. It's much lower than that as seen in Canada or Europe. Low moons look more orange, thanks to the thick air near the horizon. Some have even suggested that its amber color is the origin of the term, "Honey Moon."

It's the first of TWO full Moons in the month of July, 2015.
But is this week's moon also a Blue Moon? 
The term Blue Moon, as it applies to astronomy, was actually the result of a misunderstanding in a 1940s magazine. But it slowly went viral until nowadays the second full moon in the same calendar month is widely called a blue moon. The full moon on July 31 ( Lee's 65th birthday) will qualify, according to this popular definition.
The expression suggests great rarity. In reality, since the Moon's period of phases is 29 1/2 days while months usually have 30 or 31 days, it's obvious that if a full Moon lands on the first day of any month except February it will repeat again at the end.
Turns out, blue moons happen every 30 months on average. Two and a half years. 
Not so very rare.
Once in a blue Moon? Stick around. It'll happen four weeks from now. Meantime, enjoy this one, whose color will likely be the exact opposite of blue.

So, if you only do things, "Once in a blue moon," looks like you're doing it tonight and maybe again July 31st.  I think it's perfect for Lee.  He begins Medicare today and turns 65 on the 31st.