Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Mystery of History!

Bailee (and Addy) at The Seward House

The "underground" room where a few slaves were kept at the Seward House

Jess and B at Fort Hill cemetery..The Seward (and Family) graves

B at Harriet Tubman's grave

Harriet Tubman's 2nd home in Auburn

Rt. 34 has been designated as the Harriet Tubman highway...

B and Addy at the Tubman home

Bailee, Jess and I had a historically filled Wednesday.  We began our journey originally watching the movie "Lincoln" a few week ago.  Bailee even enjoyed the 3 hour film and so began her interest in all things Lincoln.  Her first 2 books from the Powers Library were about Lincoln and the Underground Railroad.  We are so fortunate to have so many local ties to history and have the chance to make it interesting for a 6 year old.  Bailee's end of the year gift from Grandma was the American Girl, Addy. She joined us on our adventure back in time yesterday.  Our first stop was the Seward House.
I hadn't been there for 52 years. (wow, that can't be right :-)  Our fourth grade field trip visited way back then....probably by horse and buggy :-0  It was exceptionally interesting thanks to our tour guide and her knowledge of Seward, his family and her skills at saying just the right facts that interested both young and old.  Bailee had her hand up in each room!!  After a brief stop to fill our tummies, we headed, thankfully with map in hand, to Fort Hill Cemetery.  We found Harriet Tubman and William Seward and his family.  A beautifully manicured cemetery with lots of history to offer.  Our last stop was a peek at Harriet Tubman's home.  We arrived just in time for a small tour that was enlightened by another great guide and a visit to Harriet's home.  We stuffed a lot of history into our brains and I was amazed that although Bailee's head was on a swivel most of the day, she'd soaked in lots of interesting tidbits about our famous neighbors just up the road.  She should be full of stories to tell when her 2nd grade class begins their unit on The Civil War.

Today we're heading on another history adventure.  We're going to Turning Stone and catch a concert from Grandma's favorite musical group, The Beach Boys. We're gonna show them that 3 generations ♥ The Beach Boys...even our shirts will show it.....Heading for some "Good Vibrations!"

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