Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Lane Change

Holy Traffic Alert.  Maybe taking regular driver's tests isn't such an obscure idea.  I can no longer blame senior citizens (as I am one) for the error in their ways while navigating the highways (and  town streets and back roads.)  I have often lamented the practice of using a four way stop.  I've decided to just sit there until the other vehicles have made their decisions.  Even waving them on doesn't seem to lessen the confusion.  If they don't know where the hell they're going, how could I? As I said, I'm learning to be patient and just be the last to go....

Runners:  I am quite tolerable of runners. Probably because many of my dearest friends are hoofing the highways and byways. The majority of them are not hearing impaired (even with their moving music helping them to keep pace) and stay safely on the shoulder or in their running lane.

Bicycles:  Generally bicycles are on the move in the same weather conditions in which I use my air conditioner.  My A/C keeps my demeanor coolly balanced and often muffles my vulgar, vehicular, vociferous, verbiage. ........swearing!  They drive me slightly insane (short trip.) Many local roads are designated as bicycle trails.  The shoulders are wider and smoother and allow for the seasoned and unseasoned riders to safely travel to their destinations.  So..PLEASE stay off the part made for those of us who drive motorized vehicles and really don't like bicycles...maybe that's just me.  Try to be as courteous as runners....just try!

Texters and Talkers:  More and more we're seeing people pull over to take a call, write a text or answer a call.  Good for you!  But now I think that the shoulders should be a little wider, mowed more often and accessible for those who have the good sense to not text and drive.  They make bicycle lanes, brake lanes, commuter lanes and even Lois Lanes...no wait, that's a different "Super" story. We certainly spend more money on less important logistical decisions.

I'm not really a road hog and I try to be as pleasant as the wheeling public allows me to be.  I just have to really wonder if some these folks DID get more than their bicycles from Sears...like maybe their licenses?

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