Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Legend of the Tooth Fairy!

This is a story of a little girl....... and expectation, anticipation, extraction, imagination and inflation!!!

Once upon a time there was a little six year old.  This is a year full of firsts. First grade, first friendships, first homework and first teeth falling out.  If only it were that simple.  Bailee and her first loose teeth have been entertained for the past several weeks with stories of strings, Grandpas, doorknobs and tooth fairies.  She believes wholeheartedly in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny but had her doubts about the Tooth Fairy.  We all explained that when she lost a tooth, her doubts would either be allayed or confirmed. Upon returning home from school on Monday, there was a little blood from wiggling and her two bottom teeth were leaning on each other... (for molar support;-)  She told her Mom she was  ready for the string and doorknob!!
Dental floss was used.  It was firmly in place.  Bailee was seated for the procedure.  The nonhuman end was secured firmly to the doorknob.  Ready?  "yep," she replied.  OK here goes........................ "STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   OK. we'll take it off and wait for them to fall out...  The floss was now located under the tooth and it wasn't leaving.... Bailee wiggled and wiggled and wiggled some more.   Voila... one tooth out.  Now, having the space to grab the other tooth she, wiggled and wiggled and wiggled some more....Out came tooth number 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Woo Hoo!

Off to Grandma and Papas to share the good news and prepare for the tooth fairy.  Tomorrow morning she'll know for sure.  When arriving back home, she had written a letter for the TF, placed her teeth in the pillow that Grandma had made for just this occasion neatly by her pillow and was amazingly asleep in no time.

Then the magic happened!  She arrived in all her blue Fairiness.  It was quite a sight to behold and it was all caught on camera (not by the NSA but by Mom.) Tuesday morning bright and early. Bailee ran into her Mom's room and asked if she could check under her pillow ( I would have just looked!) Low and behold she hollered, "Mama, she IS real!!"  She left me a dollar!!!  Prompted to look again, she found 2 brand, new ten dollar bills!  She was so excited to know there was a tooth fairy, her Mom heaped on even more excitement...I know she's real, I even managed to get her picture!!

2 out, 2 more there

WOW !!!
All done!

Needless to say, a picture is indeed worth a thousand words..OK maybe just $20.00!  That day after school, Bailee filled out a deposit slip and she and Grandma took a trip to the bank to deposit all of her reward. 

And they all lived happily ever after....until the next tooth loosens...and no Bailee, the tooth fairy doesn't pay more for the bigger teeth....Nice try:-)
Off to the Bank

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