Thursday, June 20, 2013

School's... Out... For... Summer!

School's...Out...For...Summer!  Love those lyrics from Alice Cooper ( Alice himself, not so much.)  Great day yesterday with yearbook signing, weepy good byes and awesome report cards. I really don't remember having this much fun with my own kids but then again.... I seldom got those awesome report cards.  Academics were all filled with 4's.  Conceptual art was a 3 and we still don't have the complete skills associated with throwing, catching and skipping. Darn..and those will SO be skills that colleges are looking for.
The anticipation of second grade has already begun.  Who will be my teacher (Kelli Moraghan)?, who will be in my class?, will I have homework?, where will my room be?, can I still see Mrs. Flick and Ms. Webster?....all questions that will be answered soon enough.
Who said that summer was a time for rest and relaxation.  Sign up for Rec and Soccer was yesterday and dancing will begin for a month in July.  Friday field trips will be in for this year and spending days with Miko, Tate and "Mr.Todd Mulvaney" are running at the top of her "can't wait" list! Also on that list are Grandma field trips to the Seward House, the Harriett Tubman museum/house and a stop at our very own Underground Railroad landmark, the Stone House.  Since Bailee watched Lincoln with us (her first really big "adult movie," her infatuation with all things Lincoln has blossomed. For her end of the year reward, Addy, the Civil War period American Girl doll, has joined our family.  Bailee has already read 4 chapters of the first book and has a new found appreciation for sleeping in a bed and eating turkey subs versus the tobacco worms that Addy was forced to eat by her "overseer" and sleeping on a pallet.  I think this will be an amazing way to teach some history along with a good dose of overcoming racism.. Addy's differences from Bailee were all cultural in B's eyes.....the color of her skin was the last thing she mentioned when I probed for differences.  How joyously refreshing!  For the first time, Addy slept in that comfy bed last night.  If only our illustrious state lawmakers would see that this was the way to learn!!
It's going to be a summer full of fun and learning and we're not even going to know it!!!
Who doesn't need cash?

Monsters on tap for Saturday

A new friend

Mrs. Flick's flower in her flower:-)

A Good bye hug for Mrs. Flick
A trip to the Glen for Addy & B

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