Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Open Mouth........insert foot...

Open mouth,.insert foot has been the crux of my exercise workout for years.  I usually get in a few rounds at least a couple of times a week. It's really progress, as in years past, I may have exercised several times a DAY!  With age, my legs have grown larger, my joints tighter, my hip stiffer and my pedicure less...French. For these reasons and more, it's harder to actually reach my mouth. Also with age comes a tad of wisdom and I now occasionally think before I speak.  As for feet exercise and thinking before speaking, each is an acquired trait.
Someone recently extolled the virtues of reflexology. They explained that all things can be controlled by the feet.  Silly me..all these years I believed it was the other end!  But old dogs can learn new tricks and I decided to "sit" and listen.  That in itself came with age! They explained that soaking your feet in certain additives would cleanse your body of toxins.  I had always been told (by example in my early youth) that that was what enemas did!  Next, pressure points were explained with this chart. No matter how hard I pressed on the ball of my foot (5), I still could not see shit...unless of course I pressed just above my heal (19)...then I could plainly see it! I have seldom had issues with my vocal chords so I opted to pass on (6) and (17) works wonderfully, especially when I sneeze or laugh....it Depends! This week I've decided to press on with numbers 20-23.  It can't hurt to try and it may alleviate my granddaughter yelling "Run old lady, run!"  There are some things that I don't think soaking and poking will cure especially those pains in number (2)!  Speaking of those, I'm heading out to vote once again on our school budget.  A little manipulation in the reflexes might be needed to kick a few in the butt...I can do that...with a left foot kick and a big dose of number (11) ♥

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