Thursday, December 6, 2012

Update Thursday

I've been OOT (out of touch) the last couple of days.  Things are slowing down a bit and semi back to normal:

  • We successfully got the tree up and Grandpa's plaid pants star is sitting stately at the top.  We dressed it with some white poinsettias this year and it looks great both day and night.  It will be the backdrop for our big Hatfield Family Christmas photo(s) we're taking on the 22nd.
  • Tuesday it was 70 degrees.. How flippin' crazy is that.  Jess and I visited with Mom at the Nursing Home and did a little shopping for her through the Shopper's Service they provide.  What a wonderful idea. A truck arrives with racks of clothes, jammies, undies and socks....and they label and tailor for free...
  • Christmas cards were completed and mailed. I received the neatest response from my brother Steve's gf's husband....(Nothing weird there... she married the greatest guy after Steve passed away. He reminds me so much of him.....his sense of humor mirrors Steve's and I love the fact that he appreciates how much keeping in touch means to me.  BTW, Kathy didn't respond as she was in the hospital having a few arteries roto-routed for the holiday:-)... The sad part of Paul's response was the fact that there is no one left to tell..... that's why I'm sharing with you♥
  • My eye is still besieged by this nasty floater.....I believe it's floated enough and should relax and settle down for a lifetime of luxury living in my little optical suite.  Looking at things though my eyes could be a enlightening experience.  Thankfully it can't float in my auditory canal.
  • My Christmas gift to me arrived yesterday... a brand new iPhone 5.  Not sure what I was thinking as I had yet to master the iPhone 4!  I guess I just wanted someone to talk to who would almost always have the right answers!  Siri, I love you!  Thankfully Jess was able to sync my new phone...otherwise I would have been sunk!
  • Yesterday I crossed off another item on my Bucket List. I had my first massage....Yep, I'm the one you heard moaning in ecstasy!  It was one, wonderful hour of nakedness where I didn't have to move a muscle. (sorry, was that TMI?) I even had my ears rubbed. Who in the world would think that would be so wonderful....(short of a dog or an elephant? :-)
So, it's only Thursday and it's been an eventful week. The upcoming weeks are full of lunches and dinners with old friends, wrapping and bagging Christmas gifts..(Oh I ♥ gift bags), singing and making cookies with Miss B, the arrival of Jeffrey home for the holidays and the anticipation of our Hatfield Family Christmas here at EIEIO. Chat soon!

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