Friday, December 14, 2012

Technologically Impaired

Along with my various maladies. (plantar facetious, cataracts, IBS, CRS and others) today I realized I am seriously impaired in the technology department.  I generally thought I was able to operate the TV, my phone, the VCR ( I guess it's actually a DVD), TiVo, and my computer with a modicum  of entry level skill.  I can still follow directions as long as the words are familiar. Unfortunately, new words are being added every day which seems to slow my cognitive reasoning abilities (which, to my dismay, are slowing their pace as well.)  I now have to deal with megabytes and gigabytes, modems and routers and connectivity and productivity. I'm amazed at the fact that if you unplug a device and give it 10 seconds then reconnect, it regains its memory and carries on effortlessly.  I should be so lucky!!
 This morning, I am the substitute day care giver for Jess's little man, Hunter.  I had asked Jess to not password lock her computer so I could get on and check my email, see what my FB friends were up to and write my blog. Accomplishing the blog..... but ran into some roadblocks on the other fronts.  I don't want to see her email or know what her friends are up to and it's rude (and besides I'm not sure I know how the hell to do it) to just go in and sign her out!!!!  So for now, I can pen today's nonsense and reread the last few months of my ramblings......
I'm sure you're thinking, "well you could turn on the TV and watch something enjoyable!"  OK, I could... except it says no signal and I can't seem to be able to change the input to TV.  It seems the movie "Tin Tin" is on the Blue-Ray player and my incompetent self can't do anything about it.  So, a 4 year old and 60 year old are destined to enjoy each others company, play go fish and wait for 11:30 to roll around to walk across the street to school.  maybe I should stay there for a lesson or two as well :-(

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