Thursday, November 19, 2015

Suits me just fine.....

Last night I was watching Jimmy Fallon.  He was hawking a new product from JCrew called, The Pocket Dial.

I thought, how clever is that.... covers your phone and gives you a pocket hankie all in one..  "Hmmm, now who could I get one for?"..............Sadly, absolutely no one!  Nobody I know still wears a suit or sport coat to work.....NOBODY :-(  My Dad wore a shirt, tie and jacket ( pants too) to work every single day!!! Who's to say whether he would have a cell phone or not....I'm pretty sure that's a big NOT! It took him 20 years to give in to computers at Hewitt Brothers....but back to my original whine!  Every day in our lives in 2015 seems to be casual Friday.  That's not a bad thing really but it's more a sign of the times, at least in my mind, that a little bit of respect is gone.  Not saying that folks should be judged by the way they dress but somehow a smartly dressed man (or woman) demands that touch of respect.  When I was in school, male teachers wore suits and jackets and always wore a tie.  Female teachers didn't wear pants and certainly never wore jeans.  Now, don't send me dirty looks...I know it's an entirely different time ...and century but I'm still entitled to my "remember whens!" 
We live in the country in small town America where we know everybody and everybody knows us.  I guess we're all just a little more laid back then we were in the sixties...shocker.  Today, about the only place to find a suit is the bank or maybe your lawyers office. That's it!!!!  Maybe my lawyer needs a Pocket Dial....Where else can you buy a little respect for $48?

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