Monday, November 9, 2015

I'm on drugs!

I always used to pride myself on the fact that I took very little in the way of medication.  The occasional headache remedy, acid reducer when necessary and the blood pressure medication they started giving me when the kids were teenagers (no correlation, I'm sure :-/ ) 

I recently consolidated all my drugs into a drawer in my desk.  It was a rude awakening to say the least.  I now fully understand the necessity of routine in my golden years (that's a crock-o-shit.)  In the morning, after I go to breakfast club, I take my new cholesterol med (which I ultimately realized is laced with a diuretic,) an over the counter joint and cartilage pill which "promotes better joint health and more comfortable movement," and one liquid-gel Motrin.  I also take 2 gummie, women's One-a-day vitamins... Confusing in itself as it says to take two, one a day, daily...A geriatric oxymoron for sure.
That does it until bedtime when I take my low dosage blood pressure pill which I now continue to need as I have grandchildren and live with another aging sexagenarian.... which by the way has absolutely NOTHING to do with sex and everything to do with "agen!"  Along with the BP drug I take one or sometimes two Aleve PM.... my miracle drug.  It generally provides me with 6-8 hours of peaceful sleep.  Without it, I'm awakened hourly by a wheezing, coughing, farting, moaning and often conversing old man.

Throw in an occasional Pepcid AC or swig of Pepto-bismol and I'm generally good to go.

Ashamedly, (kind of) healthy eating habits do not exist here.  Our diets generally consist of meat, potatoes, cheeses, pasta, shellfish and an occasional vegetable and leafy something.  I prefer eating things that had a mother!  Lee was never a sweets kind of guy and now he can empty a cookie jar in 2 days flat.  The candy box needs regular refilling and I always have a stash of smarties next to my remote. I'm pretty sure that chocolate is a nut and sugar was originally a grown in a field...somewhere which makes that a plant.. I hear plants and nuts are good for you.

Hopefully my drug drawer will remain as it is now. Two prescriptions is doable and keeps Obama and Blue Cross Blue Shield happy.  My out of pocket is slowly necessitating larger pockets but so far I haven't reached that dreaded donut hole.... I prefer to only eat donuts!  My drug of choice!

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