Thursday, February 26, 2015

My girl, my rules!

I'm pretty sure that I'm no different than any Grandma.  I can smile almost anytime just thinking about my granddaughter.  Her new favorite saying is, "I wasn't born to be perfect, just awesome!"  You win..... you were and you are.  She has a sense of humor that is timeless.  She knows what to say and when to say it....she has yet to learn what not to say...(all good things take time) but often the spontaneity is priceless and what makes B...B! I'm pretty sure she could be a great actress and I hope she jumps at the chance to try out for school theater... Voice projection shouldn't be an issue!  Memorization should be a piece of cake and  facial expressions and characterization should flow like water.  Of course I'm just a tiiiiiiny bit prejudice and what comes naturally at home, doesn't always appear in public...unless you don't want it to.
Here comes the grandparental paragraph of protest.... Common Core, Governor Andrew Cuomo, NYS  Legislature...I do not want our children (especially mine) to spend 5-10minutes on one addition problem in class negating the opportunity to think how a butterfly stays in the air.  I do not want a 12 step program for our children....of any kind...ever!  I do not want our children to be exactly like every other child in their classroom.  I do not want our children to feel responsible for their teacher's job.  I do not want our children to feel that if something is difficult, their parents can "opt them out."  I do not want the ability to run and play, throw leaves in the air and socialize on a playground to be replaced by 50 worksheets by Friday! and I certainly do not want our educational curriculum and teacher evaluations to be written by those who have NO educational training and are only loyal to lobbyists and PACs.
I DO want theater, music and athletics to be available and abundant. Much can be taught through these activities that don't facilitate the need for paper and pencil and remaining sedentary. Thankfully our teachers have given themselves the permission to relax a bit.  They must still follow their "mandates" ( I hate any word that begins with man/men) but they realize why they became teachers and where, and whom, they should be focusing their energy.  A few advantages of small town school districts.  I have never thought homeschooling was the answer but I have met many children (and now adults) who were homeschooled and they are bright, outgoing and successful.  There are many programs for homeschoolers that facilitate sports, arts, field trips and socialization.  Charter schools seem to be popping up more and more.  Private schools give their students so much more than just the three R's. They allow respect, reasoning and reality.  Unfortunately these options are not available or affordable for everyone................or are they?  Who's raising our children? Who's responsible for the next generation's leaders?  If it is ours...then we are the ones who need to make the changes by changing who makes the rules.... It's our playground and I think we have many folks in government that need a permanent "time out!"

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