Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Grammar Gram

Today is National Grammar Day... of course it is.  Everything seems to have a "day" these days! If I researched deeply enough, I could probably even find National Enema Day........but I won't!  I even had an email this morning hawking toys and useful "learning tools" to promote the use of good language skills.  How does my computer know the things that are near and dear to my heart.......and my brain. That's a rhetorical question and doesn't require a question mark.....just sayin'!

I was raised knowing (and learning) that how you speak is often how you're perceived..... the old "first impression" thing!  You may not think it affects how you see people but it definitely affects how people see you! It may not bother some folks, obviously, but it sure gives me the old nails on the chalkboard

cringe when it surfaces...........especially on Face Book posts. I don't profess to be better or smarter than anyone else but I guess I do profess to be a little more educated in the basics. I am as guilty as anyone of making mistakes, of typing too fast and sometimes not rereading what I have typed.  The difference between and me and others is that I know when I've made a mistake and I make every effort to correct it. Will good grammar make you a better person or change the course of your life.....maybe not......but you just never know.  Now that head hunters and job seekers are all surfing the Internet, you might easily acquire that perfect job....or lose it... all because of too's, yours and theirs. If only you had learned it to begin with.......................hmmm, did I just end a sentence with a preposition?

If Common Core won't teach it, Common Sense should!!!  Happy Grammar Day from the Grammar Gram:-)

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