Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hobby Lobby Heaven

One wall of ornaments...there were FOUR
I enjoy shopping......from the comfort of my home, my comfy desk chair and near the TV and frig....but I may have a new obsession with brick and mortar......Hobby Lobby.  The drive is doable albeit through "downtown Ithaca" traffic.  Yesterday, the God's were with me and I hit every single light GREEN....and there were many!  With the exception of cheeseburgers, this store has everything I love!  Many of my favorites were marked at 50% discount yesterday including everything Christmas!!!  Being finished decorating, shopping and wrapping, there was little I needed but I did plan ahead to next Christmas for a few items.  Home decorating items ABOUND>>>>> clever metal signs, wall art of ALL kinds, kid's items, fabric, furniture, vases, floral crafts, woodworking, scrapbooking and more and more and more.  It was amazing.  I kept finding things that I knew others would like so I snapped pictures and sent them on their way... I think I really could be a personal shopper,,,,,personally I loved everything....

                                     I mean seriously.....who takes pictures IN a store.........That'd be me:-)

For the theater

Thanks goodness I ventured here AFTER B's birthday!

                                                                          Man Cave accessories?                                                                              
really, Paris?               

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