Tuesday, December 10, 2013

All things STEM from imagination!

What a sterling concept Debbie Sterling has embarked upon.  Brainstorming toys for girls... They're  still pink and purple, the colors for girls of all ages, but they stimulate little girls' brains and imaginations......Perfect.. then those little girls grow up to be big girls with working brains and awesome imaginations (not that we aren't already.)  The acronym for this advancement in thinking and play is STEM.... let's get these little minds going in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math... Well she got my vote ......and my money.  I know, I said I was finished shopping....................in September..... but everybody who knows me knows better.. I talk a good game!  So today, I just placed my LAST online order...really!  I bought the Roominator which allows you to build rooms with elevators and merry go rounds that work and this little techy device below that has lots of moving parts as well....that you make move!  It sure is a good thing that the kids have 2 full weeks of vacation this year...we're gonna need it to play with all these toys.... I mean, SHE'S gonna need it to play with all these toys.....;-)

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