Friday, December 20, 2013

A Match Made in H----------------:-)

It's 5:00 on a cold, Friday morning. I'm wide awake and have neglected my blog for the past week. Errands, appointments and duties have filled my mornings and lack of ambition, creativity and wit have filled my evenings.  When I went to bed last night, I knew a chill was in the air...inside....... and once again our "state of the art" (I always disliked art) heating system had failed us.  I left Lee a note (he hears nothing after 8 and a tad more than nothing prior to that) and crawled in my snuggly bed.  Ahhh, 4 a.m.     My nose is cold so the heat didn't have an  Easter moment and rise... I decided the warmest spot was right where I was so I burrowed in and tried to return to wherever I was in that dream...I remember it was somewhere warm. That failed so here I am.... catching up on emails, Face Book and my dear blog that lets me say anything I like.  I decided maybe a sweet smelling candle would not only brighten my den and clear my mind but keep me I grabbed the closest matches I could find in this big, old,18 drawer desk I call home!  The only ones were these.... Our wedding matches.. (hey it was the favor of the day in 1975).  I struck the first...nothing.  I struck the second.....a little tiny spark.  I began to think this might be an odd metaphor for nearly 40 years of marriage. The spark is gone...what happened to my old flame?  Then came the third strike and the fire had returned.......and the smell of sulfur......yep, all was well with my match made in h............!

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