Monday, September 2, 2013

Empty Nest...kind of

What a great 10 days we had having Jeff home.The kids cooked some awesome meals, the men were off to Turning Stone for a few days, the whole crew (wow..5 of us) ate together, shot together, mowed together, sacrificed a chicken together (( maybe not all of us.. I closed the doors, covered my eyes and plugged my ears), learned to yo-yo together, cooked together, played cards together, golfed together, showed off during Jeopardy together, reminisced together and chilled together....and we still like each!! Bailee loves her time with her Uncle Jeff. We concur that uncles ROCK! And then the good byes that an oxymoron?  Regardless they suck with a capital S.  I know Grandmas probably shouldn't say "Suck" but it's just plain the right word.  I think it's time that we rethink this 700 miles separation just doesn't seem to appear to be least for me.  Everyday I read all of Face Book's profound "live each day to the fullest", "remember to always tell those who mean the most that you love them", "Life is short" realities... Well then I think we should all be closer than 700 miles...There should be a minimum distance that a child is able to separate from it's Mom.  It should be a rule! Heck it should be a commandment!!!  We could promise that we wouldn't meddle, wouldn't criticize and would only offer advice when it's solicited.  In return, they would check in regularly, hug us without the eye roll and remember that our memory, eyesight and hearing aren't what they used to be...Although the eyes in the back of our heads are still functioning. I guess I ask for a lot but it seems I need you just as much or more than I did when you and I were younger. I really don't want to clip your wings.....I just want you closer to the nest♥

Stare down


A Dad, his son and his tractor ♥

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