Thursday, September 26, 2013

An apple for the teacher....Naaaa...just the core!

For the past few days, I have been busy and wee bit the core, the Common Core.  Bailee 's class (and all 2nd graders) took their first math module test since their arrival into second grade.....and hell. These 6-7 year olds were presented with a test that covered some things that had been discussed and others that were yet to be introduced.  In my opinion, it was a test to gauge their ability to handle failure and defeat... What a charming, fun and upbeat way to start their 3rd year of school and their fall return to structured learning.  I've had the opportunity to chat with a few students, of various ages and grade levels, and asked them how school was this year.. ALL BUT ONE, said my teacher yells a lot.  Hmm...we're blessed with some pretty great teachers in our small town and this broad broom is sweeping not only students but their teachers into a dusty swirl of stress, confusion, defeat and frustration.  One educator admitted that most of the grade level would do poorly... Peachy!

I can only speak from the perspective one child....this little gal loves school, is an excellent student, grasps instruction well and retains it.  She loves chapter books, games that involve thinking, being the banker in Monopoly,  saving money and doing her own banking and playing school in the summer.  This same child, was so dejected and defeated during this math test that she began crying to the point of being physically sick.  Way to go NYS...another fine mess you've gotten us into!!!  I was nervously anticipating this outcome when I began to read about the Common Core curriculum many months ago.  I found it perplexing that learning math facts, spelling words and cursive were no longer a part of primary learning but Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the War of 1812 and the Civil War.....were.

If we lose these children and their love of learning now.....we're in serious trouble.  Bailee has been sad, clingy and not the outgoing, energetic child she was last week.. That just plain pisses me off and a po'd Grandma with little vocal restraint is probably not the best combination. I know there will be those who profess that school shouldn't be just one big play day, you can only make so many things out of playdoh and coloring is overrated.... Believe it or not there are things to be learned in each of those mundane activities.  Once again I repeat, if we lose them now, we may not get them back...

There is a district wide curriculum meeting next week and I'll be there.  I'll try to use my built in governor to manage my remarks but it's been on the fritz  lately.  It's working about as well as our state governor and his legislature... A governmental body that has little business (or knowledge) regulating and mandating the educating of our children.....any more than educators should be legislating!

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