Monday, September 30, 2013

Creepy Time

One of the very best parts of living "in the country" is our golf cart journeys through the corn fields.  They have introduced us..up many birds and critters that we certainly wouldn't have encountered on Main Street.  Our rides give us the venue to sing at the top of our lungs, find new lyrics for over the "ditch" and through the corn to Grandmother's house we go!" and watch the splendor of our resident eagles.  (And they are ours.. we've adopted them since we have fed them, photographed them, nurtured them, shared them and named them!!)  We've picnicked by the inlet, documented the corn's growth and even studied the circle of life.  On our trip this week-end we came across something that definitely didn't conform to our earthy, little piece of nature.


In the which one of these does not belong worksheet of the great outdoors, we'd be circling this.  Personally, I have watched way too many crime and mystery shows and read way too many suspense novels.  First and foremost, this was not on the trail on our last ride and it was not partially buried.  Someone's been riding on our trail!  I'm already looking for other evidence as I'm sure there was a crime committed wearing this. A bank surely was robbed, a home invasion took place, somebody was abducted or someone was cleaning out their Halloween September and decided to discard only one item in the far reaches of a corn field.  All of this supposition is swirling in my mind while trying to make plausible explanations to a 6 year old. I think I failed miserably. Each random idea was met with, "Well that doesn't make much sense, Grandma!" So, yesterday we took another ride to show Mom.  All of the time, hoping it was still there as that would have been just way too creepy...even for me!  It was and now 3 of us are conjuring up scenarios that would scare Stephen King.

I've basically written it off as another randomly strange event but I did peruse the paper this morning for any strange, illegal or random acts of eeriness that might have occurred over the past week.  There were also, no ads in the lost and found for a creepy, green haired, missing bank robbery mask!  I'm hoping when the combine arrives in the next few weeks, body parts won't be revealed.  I love a good somebody else's backyard!!!

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