Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Staff Development Day

No blog today:

I had a parent/teacher conference this morning at Groton Community Health Care Facility.  The "kids" were rounded up and assembled for an interesting game of Trivia.  I was pleased with Mom's report card and the glowing responses from the staff.

                                                                      Report Card
Ginnie Hewitt

                                                    6 Month "Marking Period"   March 27, 2013

All scores are 1-4   (4 being mastered)

  • Reading:                          2           She seems to be doing better...especially when the magazine is right side up                                 
  • Writing                            2           It appears she enjoys the taste of the pen more than putting it to paper
  • Wheel Chair Shuffling     4          She has mastered this and can maneuver anywhere  within the facility
  • Music                              4           She loves music.  When you hear "Walks like an Egyptian blaring, she's in the shower! 
  • Physical (education)       1           Doesn't follow directions well :-(
  • Meals                              3           Enjoys eating her napkin almost as much as her meals
  • Physical Health              4           Better BP than her daughter 30 years her junior
 Note from "teacher".
Ginnie has been joining in more offered  activities.  She plays well with others and is working up to her skill level.  She makes the staff smile, loves kisses and hugs and is happy!  We're going to work on NOT pulling the fire alarm even though the residents enjoyed the visits from the local firemen!!

                                                                                               Signed by "parent":

                                                                                                    Sandy Hatfield

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