Thursday, March 21, 2013

Rated X

The entertainment media is mourning the death of "Porn Star", Harry Reems.  A fitting name for a man who earned his fame and fortune (or lack thereof) from gettin' it on on the big screen,  Let me begin by making a confession...........................I never saw a porno flick until I was in my mid FORTIES....and that wasn't intentional. I was just awake in the middle of the night, feeling a bit under the weather and was channel surfing.  Admittedly, it was more entertaining than Ron Popeil's pocket fisherman.  I clicked on past through a few more channels...but eventually...clicked back!  I was, however; alone so I thought I could click wherever I pleased.  I wasn't immediately won over but I soon realized that spouses that click together, stick together.  Is this too much information?
This morning, one of my friends posted this photo and a comment saying it was "A sad day for classic porn!"  I'm not positive but I believe that was the birth of a classic oxymoron!  If I were a man, I'm not sure what I would like my legacy to be, but I'm pretty confident that tickling the back of Linda Lovelace's throat wouldn't be my epitaph of choice. It appears that he was an extra on the film and he literally "fell into" the role of the young doctor...and no, I haven't seen the film......yet!  I have professed over my blogging career that everyone should aspire to be the very best they can be at whatever they choose.  Mr. Reems appears to have had a l-o-n-g, suckcessful career in pornography.
He found no time for children (he had that covered) and eventually retired into selling real estate...(still screwing people.) 
He has died at the young age of 65 of unknown causes... I'm assuming he choked on something and was unable to catch his breast...I mean breath. 
A day to mourn porn....Who'd have thought?

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