Thursday, January 3, 2013 we know it

Yep it's 2013 and life as we know/knew it changes. With the glory of technology and Face Book comes many varieties of wisdom.  Some are real experiences that others have lived through and genuinely wish to share.  Others are just posts like the ones below that are really telling us to put on our big boy/girl pants, suck it up and move forward. Still others want us to look at life as a gift and  s enjoy the "present!"  There are even some posts that are so sickeningly sweet and upbeat you're sure  their father must have been Mr. Rogers or Eddie Flum Dum  (Ok, I just "dated" myself.)

It's really pretty simple....Things's how we handle that change that defines who we are and how happy we'll be. NOBODY but ourselves can make us happy. We all have issues..whether they be financial, health related or even family. We might as well just admit that we're all part of a dysfunctional family.  Once again, it's how we handle the dysfunction.  Grumbling can be habitual....and generally makes nobody happy.....believe me, I know of what I type!!! I live with a grumbler, eat breakfast with a grumbler and....wait for it............................I even occasionally grumble myself.  None of us feel better for it!!

If we want 2013 to be's up to nobody but "us" to make it so. If you don't like the weather...too'll change soon.  If you have an ache or a pain, call a Doctor, take a tylenol or "deal about it!"  If you don't have enough money to pay a bill, give them what you can and pay the rest later. It's better to pay something on time than nothing and be late!!! (true story...check your credit report...) and in spite of sounding trite... There is always, and I repeat, always, somebody who has way more troubles than you do!!

Once again, it's pretty simple. Life is what YOU make it...if it sucks, look in the mirror and tell that person! It's not that we all don't care, it's just that we all have our issues and we handle them.  You know...the big girl/ boy pants thing again.... and that reminds me of a Bailee story..... We were out of town for a few days and as I was walking to the bathroom she picked up a pair of my underwear,  proudly held them up and exclaimed, "Grandma did you forget your hammock?" BRAT!

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