Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Too cool for school?

Well, finally today....Bailee is back in school.  Her first day at Oceanway Middle School in Jacksonville is today.  I can't imagine moving to a new city, living with new people (and no bed,) going to a new school and meeting all new teachers and classmates.  I was anxious each September just starting a new grade in my hometown...

God (and anyone else that would listen) and I have become evening (and sometimes daytime) chat buddies. No worries, I haven't yet heard him speak to me but he has answered a few of my "pleases!"
I've always been more of a planner and doer than a watcher and hoper so the last few weeks have been a struggle for my psyche and my nerves. Just having B in school during the day gives me a modicum of peace for a few hours although a city school in no way compares to what we have in good ole Moravia.

I can only hope and pray that she makes some new, good friends, enjoys her classes and can find a few teachers who she can confide in if the need arises. Hands-off is something way out of my comfort zone but I'm trying! Thankfully this is my favorite time of year and I can occupy my time with "fall"ing into the holidays!

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