Friday, October 18, 2019

Hands Off :-(

Not my policy, Not my plan, Not my Modus Operandi!  This old dog likes her old normal and new tricks are frustrating and a real pain in the ass.  New tricks make my head and my heart hurt. I've always been a finder, a fabricator and a fixer. Having issues or wants or needs that I can't fix makes me impotent. Nobody wants that feeling in this stage of their life. (or any for that matter!)

Not only can I not help but it's unwanted and under-appreciated.....and way too far away.

This is a  brand new way of life for me and I am finding that my learning curve is bent way out of shape.  I'm trying to be positive and do what I can (and should) from afar and sets my sights on a lower level. This was going to be the Year of "Me!" Me in the Outer Banks, me in Florida for a month, Me tending to me.  That didn't work out too well. So, I've decided that maybe this will be the Spur of the Moment Year. No plans on, No hands-on.... Just keys, cash and camera....Stay tuned!

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