Monday, October 21, 2019

Day by Day

With a full moon, the tides will turn and turn they did.  Yesterday morning a joyous delivery was made.  Bailee was back HOME!  Not a pretty drive or pretty transportation but the package was amazing.

Hopefully, this is the end of back and forth and the sad realization that priorities are often not what we'd like them to be. Normal as in beauty and a multitude of other depictions is definitely in the eyes (and mind) of the beholder.  We're taking our new normal day by day.  Today we're back to what I hope will be an extended stretch of OK! I can only provide the ingredients to stability and security and stir in huge doses of love and guidance. My cooking skills are hopefully better in this department than the kitchen.

I will do what I can when I can and for as long as I can to make this house a place to be happy, healthy, secure and loved.  I know there will be trials and tribulations and ups and downs. We'll all ride it out together and hope we don't "fall off!"  I never professed to be the consummate parent or grandparent (obviously) but I'll do my best to be what everyone here needs!

I'm looking forward to birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, graduations and all the joys that beckon from school, family and beyond! Lord help me to stay sane and do what is best. I know you've heard from me more in the last year than the prior 66 but I knew you'd be there when I needed you! Don't fail me now..I'm old and I need ya!

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