Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What Race?

Things in the country are definitely calmer, easier and usually stress free......especially if you're an animal!  These days you turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper and everyone seems to be in a giant cluster F@&* about who or what they are. Bruce Jenner is a woman in a man's body so we rejoice that he has decided to be she and we now call her Caitlyn. Rachel Dolezal was born white, wanted to be black, adopted her black brother, got a tan, frizzed her hair and worked her way up in the NAACP.

It certainly seems that everybody wants to be something they're not. Maybe it's a human "the grass is greener complex!" 
Back here at EIEIO ( where we have lots of green grass,) we're all pretty happy with who we are and  what we like and find it amazingly easy to all just get along.  The chickens enjoy their lifestyle.  I don't believe any of them have yearned to be a turkey or a duck!  The ducks are quite content to co-exist with the chickens and have even shared their quarters and repast!  We did have a bit of an identity crisis when we weren't sure if Bruce was a he duck or a she duck but now that he's quite large and doesn't quack...(FYI only girl ducks quack...which is a whole different blog someday), we know he's a drake.....but we still call him, Bruce..not Caitlyn! 
So, when the new barn arrives and everyone lives in the same dorm, it should be interesting. By then we might even have some peacocks to throw in the mix and who knows how they will all get along.  We do see some color bonding here.  The whites (turkeys and silkies) seem to like to stay relatively close and the coloreds seem to travel together as well. The peacocks will probably strut their stuff when they're older and make the loudest conversation but we all know that the real race issues will be who gets to the feeders first and who gets the best treats.  They're all pretty content to be exactly what they are here at's treat is watermelon and cucumber salad.  I might race for some of that myself!

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