Monday, June 1, 2015

Beau Biden

Last week we lost a great man. Seldom do we get an inside glimpse into celebrities, politicians or the "rich and famous."  Our family has/had ties to the Biden family through a life-long friendship that my Dad and Mom had with Beau Biden's grandparents.  Bob Hunter (owner of Auburn's Hunter's Diner and manager of CCC's cafeteria facilities for years) and my Dad were the consummate pals.  They golfed together, played cards together and partied together. They were part of the Mad Men generation. The Hunter's daughter, Neilla,  married an aspiring politician from Delaware, Joe Biden.  They were blessed with 3 beautiful children, Beau, Hunter (after his Grandpa) and a beautiful little girl, Naomi. During the holiday season in 1972, The family, minus Joe, were traveling to get a Christmas tree when they were involved in an accident and Naomi and Nellia were killed. The boys were seriously injured and spent many weeks in the hospital.  I can remember my Dad's attempts to console Bob and his wife. Unfortunately Dad could relate only too well how painful the proceeding days, weeks, months and years would be.  Losing a child is not the normal progression of life and is always life altering.  Their bond became even stronger for the saddest of reasons.
I have all the Christmas cards that the Hunters and Bidens sent to my folks in the following years.  Each was a photo of the Beau and Hunter as they grew into successful men and had families of their own.  Several years ago, there was a large spread in the Citizen telling the story of Bob Hunter and his famous diner.  I sent the article off to Beau thinking his kids might enjoy seeing the written history of their Grandpa Hunter's adventures and successes. Beau was off in Iraq serving his country in yet another way.  I thought maybe I'd hear from his office (Attorney General of Delaware.)  About 9 months later I received a note from Beau....a personal note......thanking me for sending the article, telling how the whole family enjoyed reading it while reminiscing and their hopes of getting to Auburn and upstate New York in the very near future.  They did and their kid's remembered seeing the pictures and then the real thing
The real thing.....that just about perfectly describes Beau Biden....down to earth, served his country, loved his family, always remembered his Mom, his sister, his grandparents and even their friends.  This week we are down one fine man... and no matter what you think about politics or our vice president, no one should have to bury their children.

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