Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring Fever

Can you still get spring fever at 63?... You betcha!  Finally Mother Nature rang the bell and spring officially arrived in upstate New York.  March 21st is merely a number on the calendar and seldom produces anything more than hope.  We still have a wee bit of snow in the back yard but I'm hoping today's 70's will melt it away.  Yesterday's high 60's made it optimum weather for me.  If it never got warmer than that, I'd be a large, happy senior citizen.  The lake across the road has now disappeared and reappeared as a thirst quenched cornfield and the chickens were released from their coop.  Each one basked in the sunlight, bathed in the dirt and was randomly raped by our resident rooster, Steve.  He was happy to say the least! Our 3 new silkies took up residence in the smoke house, new porch furniture was assembled and we managed a late afternoon ride. An impromptu invite to dinner at Jeff's in-laws and the night ended with some of my favorite TV...............never be watched as I fell asleep in my chair at 8:30. I think I was over served by the bartender in the sky..a little too much fresh air and sunshine...not complaining.  Today is warmer but the sunshine is hiding. Still some porch cleaning on the agenda and maybe I'll sneak in a few chapters of my new book. Time to spring into action!

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