Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Morning Catch Up

Monday, Monday, my favorite day.  Today marks the one year anniversary of Jeff's arrival back in New York (home!)  Love it when your kids (even 35 year olds) make really good decisions!  I can still feel the fluttering (I think it was heart palpitations) as we waited for his truck to appear towing that glorious U-Haul full of his life. A return home to familiar places and happy faces....not much tops that.  It's been a long year full of new beginnings and life changing events. It's quite amazing when things fall into place and life begins to click.  Even with a few bumps in the road, (back surgery and a marathon house acquisition) it's been a fun 12 months.  Two families have melded shaping a surprisingly comfortable and familiar shape.  If all good things take time, it's Jeff's time!!!

Bailee survived week one of the great Common Core test debacle.  No tantrums, throwing up, melt downs or negativity.  "It was cake!"  Even if it weren't, the attitude is what we hoped for.  This week is three days of math testing and we're hoping for similar results.  Thank you Mrs. Weeks for instilling calm and optimism in our kiddos and to all those who didn't judge our decision to opt in. To each his own and for, hopefully, well thought out reasons.

This week Grandma and the gals are off to  regain their youth and sing with the Beach Boys. One of my favorite things ever!!!  Our new baby turkeys and ducks arrive and Great Grandma Hewitt turns 93. A big week for chicks of all ages!!

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